Cyber Security UK says Russian spy agency behind ‘reckless’ cyberattacks | Cyber Security Oct 4, 2018 Britain has accused Russian military intelligence of orchestrating a host of cyberattacks intended on sowing political discontent in several…
Innovation Silicon Valley superfood Soylent comes to the UK | Tech Top Oct 4, 2018 After five years fuelling tech workers and gamers in the US, bean-based meal replacement Soylent has arrived on UK shores. This is the first time…
Social Media Kim Kardashian is apparently the most dangerous celebrity to Google in the UK | Social Oct 3, 2018 With 118 million followers on Instagram, 58 million followers on Twitter and an estimated net worth of £270 million, Kim Kardashian West is…
Tech News update Best MarTech and AdTech startups UK | Industry Oct 3, 2018 Share TwitterFacebookLinkedInGoogle Plus Marketing tech (MarTech) and Advertising tech (AdTech) are two extremely powerful industries, with a…
Mac Apple Business Chat Now Available in UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, and Many Other Countries | Mac Oct 3, 2018 Apple Business Chat, a platform for businesses to provide customer service through iMessage, is now available in Australia, Canada, France, Germany,…
Computing The digital manufacturing revolution gathering pace in the UK | Computing Oct 2, 2018 The digital revolution is progressing apace, powered along by technologies such as big data, analytics, AI, machine learning, automation and the…
Social Media Zuckerberg must face public scrutiny over latest data breach, say UK MPs | Social Media Oct 2, 2018 UK members of parliament have once again called for Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, to travel to the country to face questions about how his…
Tech and Gadget License caps and CCTV among ride-hailing rule changes urged in report to UK gov’t | Apps Sep 25, 2018 Uber and similar services could be facing caps on the number of licenses for vehicles that can operate ride-hailing services in London and other UK…
Tech and Gadget Winklevoss’ Crypto Exchange Gemini Eyes Entrance Into UK Market, Sources Report | Crypto Sep 24, 2018 Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, creators of U.S..-based cryptocurrency trading platform Gemini, are looking to expand the platform to the U.K. market,…
Artificial intelligence Only one in five UK adults would choose to live forever if they could | Artificial intelligence Sep 20, 2018 New Scientist Asks the Public has revealed that only 21 per cent of people would be keen to become immortal, should it ever become scientifically…