Innovation Instagram update: new feature adds button to Stories to make them more personal Nov 30, 2018 Instagram’s newest feature is designed to help its users stay in touch with their besties. Called Close Friends the feature is an extension of…
Social Media Like them or not, YouTube Stories just expanded to more channels Nov 30, 2018 As YouTube videos become more polished, the platform is expanding a more casual method for creators to share with fans: YouTube Stories. After…
Email Marketing How to use Facebook Stories to encourage charitable giving | Email Marketing Nov 28, 2018 Caption a beautiful photo on Instagram and snap that pic on Snapchat. Yep, these social media apps are favorites of the younger generation, while…
Social Media LinkedIn adds stories feature that nobody is asking for Nov 23, 2018Bottom line: LinkedIn is dangerously close to promoting the posting of content that is inherently not professional in nature. Microsoft has…
Social Media LinkedIn finally gets around to launching its own version of Stories | Social Media Nov 21, 2018 Hey, LinkedIn, what took you so long? The social network aimed primarily at professionals has finally heard about Stories, a feature started by…
Tech Tips & Tricks How to Create and Personalize Facebook Stories | Tips & Tricks Nov 19, 2018 WhatsApp has its status, and Snapchat has its stories – it was only a matter of time before Facebook got its stories as well. It’s been around for a…
Email Marketing How to use Instagram Stories to showcase your salon or spa services | Email Marketing Nov 10, 2018 Instagram Stories are taking over the social media world. In fact, according to Business Insider, Instagram Stories boasts over twice as many daily…
Tech and Gadget Instagram might be working on school Stories | Social Media Nov 6, 2018 Instagram appears to be working on a school-based version of Stories that would only contain content from a particular school’s student body. The…
Social Media The best scary stories from the internet | Social Media Nov 2, 2018 The internet has transformed most forms of social interaction, from gaming, to dating, to the ancient act of telling scary stories. Back in the day,…
Social Media Instagram’s next cash cow: instant Promote ads for Stories | Social Media Nov 2, 2018 Instagram hopes dollars from long-tail of small businesses and social media stars can help it pull its weight in the Facebook family. A new ad type…