Tech News update EU threatens tougher rules on hate speech after Facebook meeting Feb 18, 2020 BRUSSELS: A top EU official for digital policy warned Monday that big tech companies could face tougher rules and penalties in Europe if they failed…
App and Software Top 15 Best Speech To Text Apps For Android Dec 27, 2019 Voice to text apps are underrated, but they are quite useful, especially for college students and busy professionals. Voice to text apps can be…
Mac Apple CEO Tim Cook on Hate Speech: ‘You Have No Place on Our Platform’ | Mac Dec 4, 2018 Apple CEO Tim Cook this afternoon accepted the Anti-Defamation League’s inaugural Courage Against Hate Award at the Never is Now Summit on…
Social Media Orwell was right: free speech is important but it is not enough | Social Media Oct 21, 2018 It’s been an eventful week for what we used to call truth. The Saudi government has finally admitted that Jamal Khashoggi has been killed, although…
Innovation Reddit CEO talks fending off Russians and limits of free speech | Innovation Oct 19, 2018 Reddit, the fifth-most visited U.S. website, according to theanalytics firm Alexa, has been on the offensive against suspicious accounts linked to…
Computing Malta’s Prime Minister Hails Crypto as ‘Future of Money’ in UN Speech | Crypto Oct 2, 2018 Malta’s prime minister, Joseph Muscat, has used his platform at the U.N. to speak out on the potential of blockchain and cryptocurrency, calling them…
Social Media Facebook Is ‘a Toilet,’ Fails to Contain Hate Speech in Myanmar | Social Media Sep 25, 2018 On Sunday’s Last Week Tonight, John Oliver examined Facebook’s failed efforts to control hate speech in Myanmar – from inept banning practices to…
Robotics Machine-learning system tackles speech and object recognition, all at once | Robotics Sep 22, 2018 MIT computer scientists have developed a system that learns to identify objects within an image, based on a spoken description of the image. Given an…
Artificial intelligence Machine-learning system tackles speech and object recognition, all at once | Artificial intelligence Sep 19, 2018 MIT computer scientists have developed a system that learns to identify objects within an image, based on a spoken description of the image. Given an…
Computing Detectors for online hate speech can be easily duped by humans, study shows | Computing Sep 15, 2018 How Google Perspective rates a comment otherwise deemed toxic after some inserted typos and a little love. Credit: Aalto University Hateful text…