Software Designing The Problem with Patterns – Info Soft Design Jul 23, 2018 It started off as an honest problem with a brilliant solution. As the ways we use the web continue to grow and evolve, we, as its…
Software Designing Discovery on a Budget: Part III – Info Soft Design Jul 23, 2018 Sometimes we have the luxury of large budgets and deluxe research facilities, and sometimes we’ve got nothing but a research…
Software Designing Using TagHelpers to Design Authorized and Unauthorized sections in Razor Pages – Info Soft… Jul 23, 2018 We have been fortunate enough to get some great contributions to DasBlog, one of the most important contributions was the integration of…
Software Designing Your Emails (and Recipients) Deserve Better Context – Info Soft Design Jul 23, 2018 Email communication is an integral part of the user experience for nearly every web application that requires a login. It’s also…
Software Designing Politics and technology – Info Soft Design Jul 23, 2018 Politics and technology share some of!-->…
Software Designing Order Out of Chaos: Patterns of Organization for Writing on the Job – Info Soft Design Jul 23, 2018 A few years ago, a former boss of mine emailed me out of the blue and asked for a resource that would help him and his colleagues…
Software Designing Reviewing GitHub Pull Requests in Visual Studio – Info Soft Design Jul 23, 2018 I have suggested to all my software engineering colleagues that a lack of git command line experience does not have to be a deterrent to…
Software Designing Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet – Info Soft Design Jul 23, 2018 Over 1 million Webmentions will have been sent across the internet since the specification was made a full Recommendation by the…
Software Designing What you need to know about .NET memory – Info Soft Design Jul 23, 2018 I have been tasked with sharing some of things I have learned about .NET applications and how they manage memory and sharing it with the team…