Innovation World’s first holographic flexible smartphone | Innovation Oct 14, 2018 Researchers at the Human Media Lab at Queen’s University have developed the world’s first holographic flexible smartphone. The device, dubbed…
Tech and Gadget All the cool new gadgets from Google Pixel 3 smartphone launch event Oct 10, 2018 Google throwing an event in New York City to announce some new gadgets, including its Pixel 3 smartphones. We got a quick overview of the new devices.
Robotics Smartphone robot finger lets devices crawl and touch users | Robotics Oct 7, 2018 A robotic finger that plugs into your smartphone could let loved ones send a remote caress alongside an emoji or empower your device to crawl…
Innovation This uncanny robot finger for your smartphone will give you nightmares | Tech Top Oct 6, 2018 Have you ever looked down at your smartphone and thought “You know what? What would really improve this experience, is a dismembered robotic finger…
Innovation Look at This Creepy Finger You Can Plug Into Your Smartphone | Feature Tech Sep 29, 2018 PAY BACK We tap away on our mobile devices all day long. Isn’t it about time they tapped us back? Human-computer interaction researcher Marc…
Tech and Gadget eBay now wants to sell you a wireless plan with your secondhand smartphone | Industry Sep 28, 2018 Those on the hunt for a bargain smartphone will often turn to eBay for a secondhand device or unwanted present that someone is selling at a…
Tech News update Vivo V11 AI smartphone is now in Malaysia | Digital Asia Sep 21, 2018 VIVO recently unveiled its all-new Vivo V11 and V11i smartphones. This new AI-powered addition to the popular V series comes with an AI camera that…
Tech Tips & Tricks Why smartphone don’t make us smart ? | Tips & Tricks Sep 8, 2018 These are amazing times. We have smartphones connecting us with just about every facet of society food, clothing, shelter, work, art, literature,…
Tech News update Google diagnoses our smartphone addiction, prescribes chill pill | Innovation Sep 6, 2018 As the big names in tech are beginning to acknowledge the impact their products have had on our mental wellbeing, we’re starting to see the likes of…
Mac Samsung Rumored to Debut First Foldable Smartphone This Year | Mac Sep 5, 2018 Samsung is still on track to unveil its first foldable smartphone later in 2018, Samsung Mobile CEO DJ Koh told CNBC. According to Koh, it is “time…