Tech and Gadget Everyone’s Genome Is Different. That’s Why Scientists Are About to Sequence a Million of Them. |… Sep 29, 2018 RIPPED GENES The first time scientists sequenced the entire human genome, it took 13 years and nearly $3 billion dollars. It was an incredible…
Innovation Scientists find home of mysterious ‘Oumuamua’ space object | Innovation Sep 26, 2018 Oumuamua, the mysterious celestial object that caught astronomers by surprise when it was seen speeding by the sun last year, just became a bit…
Tech News update Jupiter’s bizarre magnetic field has scientists scratching their heads | Innovation Sep 23, 2018 If you thought Jupiter’s Great Red Spot was odd, wait until you get a look at its magnetic field. New data from Juno, a NASA space probe that’s been…
Robotics Scientists created a Tetris-like AI program for breast cancer diagnosis | Robotics Sep 23, 2018 More than 1.5 million women each year are affected by breast cancer – it is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths for women with more than…
Robotics Scientists are finding ways to make your TV understand what you’re saying | Robotics Sep 22, 2018 We‘ve been promised that in the future we will be able to simply tell our devices what we want. They will understand and will comply with our…
Artificial intelligence The 10 most popular machine learning frameworks used by data scientists | Artificial intelligence Sep 15, 2018 Data science jobs are among the most coveted careers in America, taking the no. 1 spot on Glassdoor’s Best Jobs in America list for the past three…
Tech News update Scientists look to map the genes of thousands of animals | Digital Science Sep 14, 2018 In this Feb. 22, 2018 photo provided by the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, scientists Jen Vashon, left, and Tanya Lama pose…
Innovation First 3D-printed cornea developed by scientists | Innovation Sep 10, 2018 A technique developed by scientists at Newcastle University could help prevent corneal blindness in the future, through an unlimited supply of 3D…
Tech News update What Can Scientists Learn from AI? | Artificial intelligence Sep 9, 2018 In October 2017, researchers at Google DeepMind published a paper on an artificial intelligence (AI) program called AlphaGo Zero. Unlike previous…
Computing What happens when data scientists crunch through 3 centuries of Robinson Crusoe? Sep 8, 2018 Since Daniel Defoe’s shipwreck tale “Robinson Crusoe” was first published nearly 300 years ago, thousands of editions and spinoff versions have been…