Social Media Personalized “deep learning” equips robots for autism therapy | Social Aug 9, 2018 Children with autism spectrum conditions often have trouble recognizing the emotional states of people around them — distinguishing a happy face from…
Artificial intelligence Podcast: Six Experts Explain the Killer Robots Debate | AI Aug 9, 2018 Why are so many AI researchers so worried about lethal autonomous weapons? What makes autonomous weapons so much worse than any other weapons we have…
Robotics Soft multi-functional robots get really small…and spider-shaped – Info Robotic Aug 9, 2018 Posted: Aug 06, 2018 (Nanowerk News) Roboticists are envisioning a future in…
Robotics Soft, multi-functional robots get really small – Info Robotic Aug 9, 2018 A new fabrication process…
Tech Tips & Tricks How to Get Started in Machine Learning and Robotics – Info Tips and Tricks Aug 9, 2018 Hamayal Choudhry and Samin Khan present the smartARM at Microsoft’s Imagine CupPhoto: Imagine Cup“It’s very easy to get intimidated,” says Hamayal…
Robotics Study shows humans can be emotionally manipulated by robots – Info Robotic Aug 9, 2018 Credit: CC0 Public Domain…
Innovation Why little robots may be the next big thing in smart home tech | Innovation Aug 9, 2018 Anki is a company that’s well versed in robotics. Its diminutive robot Cozmo was a big hit when it was first released a few years back, topping…
Robotics Nano robots could eventually reduce the need for surgical procedures | Robotics Aug 8, 2018 <!--Nano robots could eventually reduce the need for surgical procedures | Robotics | Latest Technology News | Prosyscom !-->!-->-->…
Artificial intelligence Killer Robots: Are they “Fancy Weapons” or the Terminator came to life?????????????????… Aug 3, 2018 submitted by /u/forthesakeofliberty Article Prepared by Ollala Corp