Artificial intelligence Rise of AI makes work training necessary for retaining employees | Artificial intelligence Nov 21, 2018 The enterprise skills gap—the disparity in the skills job seekers have and the qualifications expected by employers—is still leaving jobs unfilled,…
Cyber Security AI on the rise in policing to predict crime and uncover lies | Cyber Security Nov 3, 2018 Tom Cruise, we’re still playing catch up. Cyber policing isn’t exactly at the level of Minority Report – yet – but it’s getting there. One item of…
Tech and Gadget Rise of the Triad Started Out as a Wolfenstein Sequel | Gaming News Oct 21, 2018 Nazis versus demons. It’s a win-win.Killing Hitler in a Wolfenstein game is about as old of a video game tradition as stomping goombas in Super…
Tech Tips & Tricks Internet Piracy Is on the Rise: Here’s Why | Tips & Tricks Oct 17, 2018 Digital piracy has always been a problem. Ever since people were copying floppy disks without permission, companies have been trying to tackle…
Social Media Why Facebook’s Oversold Shares Can Rise 30% | Social Media Oct 10, 2018 Facebook Inc. (FB) has fallen out of favor with many investors in recent months as the shares fell more than 25% from their record high back in July.…
Robotics Robotics and AI Job Postings On the Rise, Report Says | Robotics Oct 9, 2018 Source: Artificial intelligence and robotics job postings continue to surge, according to a new report by the Computing Technology…
Social Media Social media could be behind rise in child sleep disorders | Social Media Oct 2, 2018 Increasing numbers of children are suffering from sleep problems, and the rise is being attributed to use of social media and digital devices before…
Robotics Commercial Drone Operations on the Rise | Robotics Sep 27, 2018 Mobilcom provides drone integration services, hardware and software for companies looking to deploy commercial and industrial drone applications.…
Tech and Gadget Europe’s greenest supercomputer: Why energy-efficient HPC is on the rise | Industry Sep 26, 2018 Supercomputers are getting greener. That’s because with exascale systems on the horizon, representing a 1,000-fold performance improvement over…
Computing When Blockchains Go Down: Why Crypto Outages Are on the Rise | Crypto Sep 23, 2018 Berniesanders (not to be confused with former presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders) is an institution on blockchain-based…