Tech and Gadget Networking for people who hate networking | Public Relation Oct 13, 2018 Ugh, networking. It’s something we know we should do, but for most of us it’s about as much fun as a dental procedure. Networking can improve your…
Tech and Gadget How often should you post new blog entries? | Public Relation Oct 10, 2018Should you post short, topical posts at a high frequency? Or is it better to post in-depth posts with only the most highly-targeted…
Tech and Gadget 7 bad journalist habits that drive PR people nuts | Public Relation Oct 6, 2018 Journalists have a long, long list of things they hate about PR people—and they’re not shy about sharing their opinions. There are countless…
Tech and Gadget How to narrowly focus your marketing for greatest impact | Public Relation Oct 4, 2018 Juggling all the latest communication channels can end up flatlining yourmarketing efforts.Brand marketers are finding it increasingly…
Tech and Gadget Facebook rapidly responds to data breach affecting more than 50M users | Public Relation Sep 29, 2018 Facebook has taken a page from recent crises in its recent response to asecurity breach.On Friday, Facebook revealed that a data leak occurred on…
Tech and Gadget Quiz: Are you stuck in a communications rut? | Public Relation Sep 28, 2018 It’s easy to fall behind in a communications world that’s constantlyexpanding and evolving. If the following statements are true of yourdepartment,…
Tech and Gadget How to research your communications strategy | Public Relation Sep 28, 2018 Research is a core component of improving marketing and communicationefforts for any organization. It helps evaluate current efforts, run A/Btests,…
Tech and Gadget Workplace personality types and how they can work together | Public Relation Sep 25, 2018 “What’s your type?” may seem like an awkward question for the office, butin the right context, it can be an especially helpful one.Knowing our…
Tech and Gadget Amid outcry over enabling scalpers, Ticketmaster revises its messaging | Public Relation Sep 22, 2018 After reporters went undercover to reveal the underbelly of theticket-reselling ecosystem, Ticketmaster was in a PR pickle.Reporters from the…
Tech and Gadget Essential new and old skills PR pros must have | Public Relation Sep 21, 2018 The role of a PR professional has expanded into so many areas—digital,social media, marketing—that it’s hard to know what skills are required todo…