SEO 7 White Hat Link Building Tips to Improve Your Websites Ranking Sep 21, 2021 In this article we’ll cover what white hat link building is, and 7 white hat link building tips to improve your websites to the top of the search…
SEO What is the role of ‘Anchor Text’ for Google Ranking Dec 1, 2020 Anchor text does help in google ranking of page for what the anchor text says about the page. Hence giving Google more context about the page.
SEO Bing: XML Sitemaps Must Include Main Ranking & Category Pages Aug 28, 2020 Bing’s Fabrice Canal said on Twitter “Sitemaps are a daily, and ideally real time, snapshots of all relevant pages of your sites.” “Sitemaps must…
SEO Bing Ranking Factors Revealed in Update to Webmaster Guidelines Jul 1, 2020 Bing published an updated version of its webmaster guidelines which contains an all-new section on how Bing ranks content.In addition, an…
SEO The Google Nofollow Change A Ranking Change? Jun 12, 2020 There has been some confusion, sorry to say it, around this nofollow link attribute change from last September. In short, Google made a change to…
SEO Google Does Not Have AI Ranking Contracts – It’s Made Up Mar 9, 2020 There is a site out there claiming that Google has given it some sort of AI ranking contract. Thus this company has an advantage in helping you…
SEO No, the Google My Business description does not impact ranking Feb 14, 2020 Yesterday, there was a ton of discussion on Twitter about an update in the help center that suggested the description field in Google My Business…
SEO Google: URL Length Is Not A Ranking Factor Feb 6, 2020 Google’s John Mueller had to say on Twitter that “URL length is not a ranking fraction.” He was told that a CMS autogenerates URLs that are often…
SEO Google Once Again Says Structured Data Does Not Impact Ranking Jan 18, 2020 Google, once again, had to say structured data does not impact ranking in web search. But this time Google had to say it because their structured…
SEO December 4th Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update. Maybe? Dec 6, 2019 Some of the tracking tools are spiking up and showing signals of a Google search ranking update over the past couple of days – maybe December 3rd or…