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Netflix Thrives By Programming to ‘Taste Communities,’ Not Demographics – Info Advertisement
As Netflix continues to take over the TV industry—it now has 130 million subscribers in 190 countries, and will spend as much as $8 billion on…
“The Art of Computer Programming” by Donald Knuth – Info Gadgets
Donald Knuth at the IBM 650 console; illustration by Siobhán K CroninSome books look so beautiful on the shelf. Not only for their aesthetic virtues,…
HBO’s Programming Chief Says New Owner AT&T Won’t ‘Dilute’ His Network’s Brand – Info…
As HBO programming president Casey Bloys kicked off the Television Critics Association’s summer press tour, he had one message for reporters: No, new…
Object Oriented Programming Concepts in PHP – Info PHP
IntroductionIn this article we learn the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming in PHP. This article covers Object Oriented Programming…
The best programming language for data science and machine learning – Info Analytic
Video: What programming languages do you need to know to earn more?
How To Start PHP Programming On NetBeans – Info PHP
PHP is a hypertext preprocessor language or scripting language, and it requires a server for execution of Web programs written by programmers. So…