Gaming The Integration of Advanced Technologies in Modern Gaming Feb 9, 2023 The integration of advanced technologies has greatly enhanced the gaming experience in modern gaming. From VR and AR to AI and cloud gaming.
Human Resources Building a Modern Workforce that’s Prepared for Anything May 6, 2020 With millions of workers sequestered in their homes as the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, companies have quickly rediscovered the value of…
Digital Marketing Going Digital and Digging Into Modern Marketing Practices Mar 5, 2020 The digital marketing landscape continues to evolve at an astonishing rate, and you must keep up with those changes if you want to build your…
Tech News update Choco raises $33.5M to bring restaurants modern ingredient ordering platform Oct 29, 2019 Sourcing ingredients in the restaurant industry is a dirty process that still relies heavily on voicemails and fax orders. More tech-forward…
B2B Marketing The 10 Commandments of Modern B2B Marketing Aug 15, 2019 Drift is widely regarded as a pioneer in modern marketing, and their Vice President of Marketing Dave Gerhardt has been instrumental in establishing…
Social Media IoT And the Transformation of the Modern Workplace Mar 6, 2019 In the 1990s and early-2000s, computers changed offices and how they functioned. Suddenly the desk phone was no longer the only access point…
Gaming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 released Jan 6, 2019 Well, it’s 2019 and that means we’re in the year where we’re going to see another Call of Duty game released.In that gap of weightless time between…
Tech and Gadget Researchers use a virus to speed up modern computers Dec 6, 2018 Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy images of the sample of a solution with virus. Color coding of atomic species: germanium, red; tin, green.…
Innovation Modern technologies: Will they one day take our jobs? | Innovation Nov 14, 2018 As humans develop more powerful machines that increase productivity and improve life, modern technologies have also taken over some occupations…
Tech News update The Top 25 Modern PC Games | Gaming News Oct 24, 2018 If you buy something through this post, Tech may get a share of the sale. For more, read our Terms of Use. List last updated October 23, 2018. When…