Sales Your Meeting Agenda and the Value You Create Sep 15, 2020 When you call a prospective client and ask them for a meeting, you are asking them to give you their most valuable commodity and resource, their…
Career Development Avoid Talking About Your Competitor in a Meeting Jun 14, 2020 You have to be careful when and how you talk about your competition in B2B sales. It never pays to speak poorly of your competition, and much of the…
Tech News update Zoom update hides meeting ID numbers from the title bar Apr 9, 2020 Zoom’s latest update might help keep more meetings secure. The videoconferencing software now hides Meeting ID numbers from the title bar, meaning…
Tech News update EU threatens tougher rules on hate speech after Facebook meeting Feb 18, 2020 BRUSSELS: A top EU official for digital policy warned Monday that big tech companies could face tougher rules and penalties in Europe if they failed…
Tech Industry If Tim Cook’s all-hands meeting doesn’t fix Apple’s pricing, it’s pointless Jan 6, 2019 As yesterday’s surprise announcement of a significant holiday revenue shortfall made clear, Apple is in trouble — not the sort of “capital T” trouble…
Tech and Gadget Sundar Pichai accused of meeting Pentagon officials over an AI drone system | Tech Industry Oct 7, 2018 Facing President Donald Trump administration’s ire over its censored Chine Search engine project, Google CEO Sundar Pichai met Pentagon officials…
Computing CFTC Meeting Hears Renewed Calls for Crypto Self-Regulation | Crypto Oct 7, 2018 Satoshi Nakamoto was most likely not a Russian money launderer, but that theory was briefly proposed during a meeting hosted by the Commodity Futures…
Robotics Group: US, Russia block consensus at ‘killer robots’ meeting | Robotics Sep 4, 2018 In this Monday, Aug. 27, 2018 file photo, Peter Asaro, left, of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, and Jody Williams of the…
Robotics Experts assemble for UN-hosted meeting on ‘killer robots’ | Robotics Aug 28, 2018 Peter Asaro, left, of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, and Jody Williams of the Nobel Women’s Initiative speak to reporters at…
Artificial intelligence The A.M.Y. rules of (meeting) engagement | Artificial intelligence Aug 26, 2018 As a company that thinks about meetings constantly, we’ve heard more than a few horror stories about bad ones and we’re always on the look out for…