Innovation Is Julia the next big programming language? MIT thinks so, as version 1.0 lands | Innovation Aug 30, 2018 Julia, the MIT-created programming language for developers “who want it all”, hit its milestone 1.0 release this month — with MIT highlighting its…
Tech and Gadget Armory lands $10M Series A to bring continuous delivery to enterprise masses | Industry Aug 24, 2018 Armory, a startup that has built a CI/CD platform on top the open source Spinnaker project, announced a $10 million Series A today led by…
Entrepreneurship VelocityTX Lands $50K Grant for Work with Brazilian Entrepreneurs | Enterpreneurship Aug 21, 2018 Want create site? Find Free WordPress Themes and plugins.San Antonio—VelocityTX, an organization established last year as a resource center for…
Entrepreneurship SEN SOIRÉE 1960, the exhibition at the convergence of art, entrepreneurship and technology lands in… Aug 12, 2018 From June 29 until September 27, the representation office of the European Commission in Spain and in collaboration with Startup Europe News (SEN)…
Advertising Samsung attack on Apple ‘Geniuses’ lands on Viral Video Chart. So does Apple –… Aug 3, 2018 Samsung continues to go directly at Apple's distinctive air of superiority with its "Ingenius" series, taking second place on the latest Viral Video…
Tech News update Farming lands in the robotic age while humanoid robot makers adopt 3D technology | Robotics –… Aug 3, 2018 <!--Farming lands in the robotic age while humanoid robot makers adopt 3D technology | Robotics | Stay Connected with Tech!-->-->…
Innovation SEN SOIRÉE 1960, the exhibition at the convergence of art, entrepreneurship and technology lands in… Jul 23, 2018 From June 29 until September 27, the representation office of the European Commission in Spain and in collaboration with Startup Europe…