Social Media Algorithm outperforms humans at spotting fake news | Social Aug 25, 2018 An artificial intelligence system that can tell the difference between real and fake news — often with better success rates than its human…
Artificial intelligence Can Computers Learn Like Humans? | Artificial intelligence Aug 24, 2018 The world of artificial intelligence has exploded in recent years. Computers armed with AI do everything from drive cars to pick movies you’ll…
Tech News update What happens when robots sound too much like humans? | Artificial intelligence Aug 22, 2018 Artificial intelligence has a new challenge: Whether and how to alert people who may not know they’re talking to a robot. On Tuesday, Google showed…
Artificial intelligence WATCH: Self-Driving Cars Need To Learn How Humans Drive | Artificial intelligence Aug 22, 2018 One researcher is putting real humans into computerized driving simulations to help self-driving cars learn human behavior. NPRYouTubeIn the…
Robotics Study shows humans can be emotionally manipulated by robots – Info Robotic Aug 9, 2018 Credit: CC0 Public Domain…
Computing Computer AI team beats humans at DOTA 2 | Computing Aug 2, 2018 This week it’s happened, a machine beat humans at a complex esports game, and we’re all doomed. The…
Computing Unlike in Pokémon, Digimon Humans Keep Aging – Info Computing Jul 31, 2018 In the Pokémon anime, Ash is ten years old. Eternally. But in the Digimon anime, the human characters are getting older.The upcoming Digimon movie,…
Artificial intelligence Humans Will Be Able to Fall in Love with Computers Soon – Info AI Jul 29, 2018 Speaking at the Exponential Finance conference in New York last week, he claimed technology will be capable of emotional interaction.“My timeline is…
Tech and Gadget Will Humans of the Future be Limbless Drones? – Info Gadgets Jul 25, 2018 Evolution may not change human bodies very much in the next century, but you never know what new technology we’ll create that will change the way we…