Tech and Gadget Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey shared a look at his spiking heart rate while he was getting grilled by… Sep 6, 2018 Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, shared a look at his heart rate after a day of back-to-back Congressional hearings. The 41-year-old CEO, who fasts…
Artificial intelligence Diagnosing Heart Disease with A.I. | Artificial intelligence Sep 1, 2018 Corti uses pattern recognition in language to identify heart attack calls to emergency services. In trials being run in Copenhagen now, the AI is…
Mac Google Fit Updates With Apple Watch-Like Rings That Track ‘Move Minutes’ and ‘Heart Points’ | Mac Aug 22, 2018 Google today updated its Wear OS iPhone app and Google Fit Android app with a new redesign that emphasizes closing a set of rings, similar to…
Tech News update Google Fit gets a redesign, adds Heart Points and coaching | Apple Aug 21, 2018 Google Fit is getting a major update today. The company’s activity tracking app has been around for a few years now but until today, it pretty much…
Innovation Microsoft is using Azure to map the UK’s heart defibrillators | Innovation & Feature Aug 9, 2018 Microsoft is looking to show that its technology can be a real lifesaver by teaming up with the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to map the location of…
Innovation Microsoft is using Azure to map the UK’s heart defibrillators | Innovation Aug 9, 2018 Microsoft is looking to show that its technology can be a real lifesaver by teaming up with the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to map the location of…
Marketing Big Heart, Small Budget: Social Media for Nonprofits and Small Businesses: M. Valentina… Aug 5, 2018 Sign up to gain access to thousands of marketing resources! Don't worry ... It's FREE! What if you had to…
Mac Apple closes Heart Study program with Stanford to new participants – Info Mac Aug 3, 2018 In an update posted to the program’s website this week, Apple and Stanford University announced that they are no longer accepting new…
Mac Apple Closes Apple Watch Heart Rate Study to New Participants – Info Mac Aug 3, 2018 Apple and Stanford University's School of Medicine are no longer allowing new participants to join the joint heart rate study that they're conducting…
SEO Search Community Heart Broken Over Loss Of Jordan Kasteler – Info SEO Jul 25, 2018 Yesterday the search community got the gut wrenching news that Jordan Kasteler has passed away. Everyone was floored, shocked, saddened, and…