Computing UK demands action from tech giants over online child abuse | Computing Sep 4, 2018 Britain’s Home Secretary Sajid Javid has demanded that internet giants tackle online child abuse content Britain warned Monday that internet…
Artificial intelligence Tech giants keep British artificial intelligence in mind | Artificial intelligence Sep 3, 2018 For mere mortals job hunting can be a slog. Updating your CV, writing a cover letter, having a phone interview, an in-person interview, a second…
Innovation Remember these failed Apple products? They were some of the tech giant’s biggest flops Tech|… Sep 2, 2018 When Apple first released its Newton personal digital assistant (PDA) in 1993, the product was meant to kick off a revolution in handheld tech…
Computing China’s Baidu Joins Tech Giants Tencent, Alibaba in Imposing Fresh Anti-Crypto Measures | Crypto Aug 27, 2018 Chinese tech giant Baidu has joined Tencent and Alibaba in imposing new anti-crypto measures in line with Beijing’s toughened stance, South…
Innovation What is responsible innovation, and why should tech giants take it seriously? | Innovation Aug 27, 2018 Tech firms are now some of the biggest on the planet. Apple became the world’s first trillion-dollar company in August, while Amazon, Alphabet (the…
Tech and Gadget Chinese internet giants are expanding and so is government regulation | Digital Asia Aug 27, 2018 Image Credit: Adi Constantin on UnsplashThe article China Internet Report 2018: Chinese internet giants are expanding and so is government…
Computing Tech giants aim to coordinate fight on misinformation: report | Computing Aug 25, 2018 Major tech firms were reportedly gathering at Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters to discuss coordinating efforts to counter foreign…
Computing Can tech giants work together against their common enemies? | Computing Aug 23, 2018 This undated image provided by the cybersecurity firm FireEye shows four Twitter pages affiliated with “Liberty Front Press,” which FireEye has…
Tech News update Rare Entry Into One Of China’s Largest Tech Giants | Gaming News Aug 21, 2018 <!--Rare Entry Into One Of China’s Largest Tech Giants | Gaming News | Latest Technology News | Prosyscom Tech!-->-->…
Computing Tech giants face hefty fines under Australia cyber laws | Computing Aug 20, 2018 Encryption within messaging apps has become a major headache for law enforcement agencies Tech companies could face fines of up to Aus$10 million…