Artificial intelligence Nigerian data analytics company Terragon acquires Asian mobile ad firm Bizense | Artificial… Nov 13, 2018 More posts by this contributor Africa Roundup: Local VC funds surge, Naspers ramps up and fintech diversifies Tarform debuted new e-motorcycles but…
Computing Swiss Crypto Firm Gets Islamic Finance Certification for Sharia-Compliant Stablecoin | Crypto Nov 13, 2018 Switzerland-based fintech firm X8 AG has received a certification from the Shariyah Review Bureau (SRB) for its Ethereum-based stablecoin, Reuters…
Computing Texas Regulators Enter Emergency Stop Against Crypto Mining Firm | Crypto Nov 7, 2018 The Texas State Securities Board entered an emergency cease-and-desist on Tuesday against a cloud mining company based in Australia that it said was…
Social Media Snapchat’s PR firm sues influencer for not promoting Spectacles on Instagram | Social Media Nov 1, 2018 Influcencer marketing could get a lot more accountable if Snapchat’s PR firm wins this lawsuit. Snapchat hoped that social media stars promoting v2…
Cyber Security If Firm Implies Secure, Does That Imply My Firmware Is Secure? | Cyber Security Oct 29, 2018 Has there ever been a time in your life when you asked, “How does that work”? In the early days of computing, we learned that BIOS stood for “Basic…
Tech and Gadget Apple CEO Tim Cook Says Firm Guards Data Privacy in China | Apps Oct 21, 2018 Apple chief executive Tim Cook on Tuesday said the company is devoted to protecting people’s privacy, with data encrypted and locked away on servers…
Tech and Gadget Indonesia’s KinerjaPay to acquire digital payments firm Mitra Distribusi Utama | Digital Asia Oct 6, 2018 Indonesia’s digital payments and e-commerce platform KinerjaPay announced today it has agreed to acquire Mitra Distribusi Utama (MDU). The terms of…
Computing Cybersecurity Firm: Fortnite Gamers Targeted by Malware That Steals BTC Addresses | Crypto Oct 5, 2018 Cybersecurity firm Malwarebytes has found that scammers are using malware that targets the Bitcoin (BTC) wallet addresses of Fortnite gamers,…
Tech and Gadget US Brokerage Firm TD Ameritrade to Invest in New Crypto Exchange | Crypto Oct 4, 2018 Retail brokerage firm TD Ameritrade has announced that it is backing new crypto exchange ErisX, according to a press release published on the…
Computing South Korea’s Largest Venture Firm Backs First Blockchain Startup | Crypto Oct 2, 2018 Korea Investment Partners (KIP), the largest venture capital firm in South Korea, is investing in its first blockchain startup. Announced Tuesday,…