Tech News update Chinese SaaS firm Ekuaibao books $50 million in fresh funding Oct 23, 2019 Ekuaibao, China’s enterprise expense and reimbursement management software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, announced on Tuesday that it has secured…
Tech News update Blockchain Firm Secures $5 Million From Investment Company Cosimo Oct 4, 2019 Oneiro, a blockchain solution company, secured a $5 million investment from Cosimo Ventures. Total investment of $8 million In an Oct. 3 press…
Tech News update Samsung-Backed Blockchain Firm Launches in UAE After Securing $16M Oct 3, 2019 Blocko, a South Korean blockchain provider, launched in the United Arab Emirates after securing $16 million in funding. Building full-scale…
Computing Cryptocurrency Mining Firm Argo Blockchain Increases its Hashrate Aug 28, 2019 Cryptocurrency mining firm Argo Blockchain is reportedly increasing its hashrate as the company’s stock price soars. An aggressively expanding…
Computing Blockchain Firm Bitfury Turns to AI for Big Data Mining Aug 13, 2019 The Bitfury Group may soon be known as a data miner, as well as a crypto mining firm. In an interview with Reuters on Tuesday, the firm’s co-founder…
Designing How this Adtech Firm uses AI to Ensure Audience Feb 1, 2019 How many times have you closed a video on your phone or laptop because of pesky, irrelevant advertisements? SilverPush wants to change that. The…
Designing Why India’s ed-tech firm Byju’s paid $120 million Jan 22, 2019 Last week, India’s ed-tech startup Byju acquired Osmo, a kid-focused augmented reality games for iPhones and iPads, for $120 million. That was a big…
Blog Malaysia and tech firm issue research on accelerating Digitalisation Dec 30, 2018 According to a recent press release, SME Corp. Malaysia and the Malaysian arm of a Chinese multinational telecommunications equipment and consumer…
Tech and Gadget Bike-sharing firm Ofo’s dramatic fall a warning to China’s tech investors Dec 25, 2018 On the sidewalks of Shanghai and Beijing, once bright-yellow Ofo bicycles lie in varying states of disrepair – chains unhooked, wheels buckled and…
Tech and Gadget Govtech firm Public teams with Accenture to digitise UK government Dec 7, 2018 UK startup accelerator Public is partnering with Accenture in a bid to ramp up its aim to bring new technologies to market which can transform public…