Designing “Digisexuals” are falling in Love & Lusting for Robots Jan 21, 2019 Digisexuals Remember the French woman who claimed she was engaged to a 3D printed robot she had designed, or the Chinese engineer who performed a…
Innovation Instagram co-founders’ falling out with Zuckerberg led to departures, sources say | Innovation Sep 27, 2018 The sudden departure of Instagram’s co-founders on Monday brought to an end one of the most successful tech pairings in Silicon Valley history.…
Tech and Gadget The Sky Is Falling! No Wait, That’s Just Our Data in the Cloud! | Cyber Security Aug 29, 2018 Back in the good old days, we used to have to order physical servers to run our applications. When servers became too expensive, we found efficiency…
Tech and Gadget How do we stop people falling through the gaps in a digitally connected city? | Apps News Aug 15, 2018 Popular visions of the “smart city” promise that with digital technology the power of the city “as a platform” is put in users’ hands. Whether real…
Advertising Captain Morgan seeks boost from Adam Devine as rum keeps falling | Advertising Aug 15, 2018 Captain Morgan has added a celebrity endorser to its crew, tapping Adam Devine to star in ads and help create content. The rum brand is giving…
Tech News update United States falling behind China in race to 5G wireless: Deloitte report | Top Stories –… Aug 9, 2018 <!--United States falling behind China in race to 5G wireless: Deloitte report | Top Stories | Latest Technology News | Prosyscom !-->!-->-->…
Robotics Engineer teaching humanoid robots to use their hands to stop themselves from falling – Info… Jul 24, 2018 A famous viral video about the DARPA…