Social Media Facebook’s ‘trustworthiness’ scores weed out fake news, false user reports | Social Aug 22, 2018 Facebook probably has a scorecard for you — in a recent interview with the Washington Post, Facebook product manager Tessa Lyons shared that the…
Cyber Security Microsoft Seized Six Fake Domains Mimicking U.S. Political Organizations | Cyber Security Aug 22, 2018 Microsoft seized six fake domains that mimic the websites of prominent political organizations located in the United States. On 20 August, the…
Social Media Jack Dorsey admits Twitter hasn’t ‘figured out’ approach to fake news | Social Aug 20, 2018 Jack Dorsey is hedging his bets. In an interview with CNN’s Brian Stelter, the beard-rocking CEO said Twitter is reluctant to commit to a timetable…
Tech News update Fake news inquiry calls for social media levy to defend democracy | AI Aug 12, 2018 A UK parliamentary committee which has been running a multi-month investigation into the impact of online disinformation on political campaigning —…
Tech News update AI Can Now Manipulate People’s Movements In Fake Videos | Virtual Reality Aug 10, 2018 There are already fake videos on the internet, manipulated to make it look like people said things (or appeared in porn) that they never did. And…
Social Media Fake Followers Is A Fake Headline When It Comes To Influencer Marketing | Social Aug 10, 2018 When Unilever announced “no more fake followers,” it got the industry talking. Brands and agencies immediately started to ask how they’d enforce…
Tech and Gadget How Fake Influence Campaigns on Facebook Lured Real People – Info Gadgets Aug 9, 2018 Activists became entangled with fake accounts and pages on Facebook, leading to significant consequences for them as the company tried to…Continue…
Artificial intelligence Fake news inquiry calls for social media levy to defend democracy – Info AI Jul 31, 2018 A UK parliamentary committee which has been running a multi-month investigation into the impact of online disinformation on political campaigning…
Tech News update Facebook Messenger Tests Flagging DMs From Fake Accounts | Tips & tricks – Info News Jul 31, 2018 <!--Facebook Messenger Tests Flagging DMs From Fake Accounts | Tips & tricks | Stay Connected with Tech!-->-->…
Artificial intelligence On Fake News And The Outer Limits Of Artificial Intelligence – Info AI Jul 30, 2018 While the tech giant initially denied these allegations, they made a complete u-turn later in the year, summarily firing their entire Trending News…