Artificial intelligence Why it could soon be much easier to get your hands on NVIDIA GPUs | Artificial intelligence Aug 20, 2018 In after-hours trading on Thursday, NVIDIA’s shares dropped up to 5%, according to a Reuters report. And while that’s bad news for the chipmaker, it…
Sales The Psychology of Choice: How to Make Easier Decisions | Sales Aug 15, 2018 Psychology of Choice Choice is our ability to make decisions when presented with two or more options. The psychology of choice explores why we…
Social Media Facebook and Instagram are making it easier to spend less time on Facebook and Instagram. But why? |… Aug 12, 2018 It’s part of the “time well spent” movement. Add Facebook and Instagram to the growing list of tech giants rolling out features to cut back on your…
Productivity Design Debate: Have New Tech Innovations Made Work Life Easier or Harder? | Productivity Aug 9, 2018 In our newest design debate, Martin Lorenz, Marina Esmeraldo, and Fredrik Öst weigh on in the impact technology has on creativity. Ready, set,…
Productivity Design Debate: Have New Tech Innovations Made Work Life Easier or Harder? – Info Productivity Aug 9, 2018 In our newest design debate, Martin Lorenz, Marina Esmeraldo, and Fredrik Öst weigh on in the impact technology has on creativity. Ready, set,…
Entrepreneurship Launching a Product is Hard, But One Entrepreneur Has Made it Easier: With Sharon Vinderine –… Jul 30, 2018 By Yitzi Weiner and Casmin Wisner“…He told me I should have a positive impact on the lives of others, not through financial means like simply donating…
Linux How Linux Makes Your Life Easier – Linux Jul 30, 2018 There is a popular myth that Linux is complicated and hard to use by a non-techie. While there are distros and advanced Linux functionality that do…
Email Marketing WordPress + SSL: Easier than ever with GoDaddy’s WordPress Hosting – Info Email Marketing Jul 25, 2018 One click to a secure WordPress site Face it, it’s the digital age and cybersecurity is a must. According to!-->…
Email Marketing Local Business Listings: The easier way to manage your online business listings – Info Email… Jul 24, 2018 Every listing, one place With all the social media outlets and ways to manage your online business listings!-->…
Cyber Security Google launches ‘Data Transfer Project’ to make it easier to switch services –… Jul 23, 2018 A lot of new online services are cropping up every day, making our life a lot easier.But it is always harder for users to switch to another product…