Artificial intelligence How IoT, AI, VR, and drones provide new revenue for 75% of IT channel partners | Artificial… Sep 27, 2018 Customer demands for emerging technologies are driving IT channel companies to experiment with the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, artificial…
Innovation Drones, robots, self-driving buses and smart homes | Feature Tech Sep 24, 2018 Drones are among the trending topics at the fair, as they are no longer just more about capturing images. At CeBIT’s drone park we can see the…
Robotics Gas-sensing drones draw NSF backing | Robotics Sep 23, 2018 Rice University researchers, in a collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine and Houston nonprofit Technology For All (TFA), are developing a…
Robotics Drones in a Ford engine factory – what is the purpose of them? | Robotics Sep 23, 2018 Running a big factory isn‘t easy. It is not supposed to be easy either – you have to monitor all your equipment, making sure it is safe and as…
Robotics Autonomous drones based on Raspberry Pi, building from scratch | Robotics Sep 23, 2018 I suffer from “terminal boredom syndrome”; I always need a challenging hobby to keep me sane. In 2012, the Raspberry Pi was launched just as my…
Artificial intelligence Programming drones to fly in the face of uncertainty | Artificial intelligence Sep 13, 2018 Companies like Amazon have big ideas for drones that can deliver packages right to your door. But even putting aside the policy issues, programming…
Tech News update Robotics & Geopolitics: Chinese AI Startups Surpass U.S. in Funding; Drones Localize Defense… Sep 8, 2018 <!--Robotics & Geopolitics: Chinese AI Startups Surpass U.S. in Funding; Drones Localize Defense Efforts | Robotics | Latest Technology!-->-->…
Tech and Gadget Vtrus launches drones to inspect and protect your warehouses and factories | Industry Sep 7, 2018 Knowing what’s going on in your warehouses and facilities is of course critical to many industries, but regular inspections take time, money, and…
Tech News update The US Army is developing drones that can be charged by lasers in mid-air | Innovation Sep 6, 2018 Even the most power-efficient drones can only fly for about half an hour without needing a charge, but the United States Army is working on a novel…
Computing Walmart Explores Blockchain for Connecting Automated Delivery Drones | Crypto Sep 4, 2018 Walmart’s recent patent efforts have showcased how the retail giant is investigating blockchain, and a new filing points to a focus on autonomous…