Tech News update New AI Detects Guns, Identifies Shooters And Alert Law Enforcement Oct 3, 2019 Technologies such as Mobility Spectrometry, Luggage scanners or surveillance cameras have contributed allot in order to prevent many crimes like…
Robotics New AI System Detects Hard-to-Spot Cancerous Lesions | Robotics Sep 24, 2018 A team of researchers working in the fields of engineering and medicine at the University of Central Florida (UCF) has recently developed a new…
Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence system detects often-missed cancer tumors AI| Artificial intelligence Aug 28, 2018 Researchers based at University of Central Florida developed the system by teaching a computer platform the optimal way to detect small specks of…
Tech News update How enzyme detects ultraviolet light damage | Digital Science Aug 27, 2018 Damage to DNA is a constant threat to cellular life, and so it is constantly monitored and detected by a family of enzymes called RNA polymerases,…
Tech and Gadget Study reveals how enzyme detects ultraviolet light damage | Digital Science Aug 23, 2018 Ultraviolet radiation, such as sunlight, can damage cellular DNA, leading to cancer. UC San Diego researchers have described the underlying…
Cyber Security Microsoft Detects More Russian Cyber Attacks Ahead of Mid-Term Election | Cyber Security Aug 22, 2018 Microsoft claims to have uncovered another new Russian hacking attempts targeting United States’ Senate and conservative think tanks ahead of the…