Tech and Gadget Our First Good Look At Gen: Lock Is High On David Tennant | Gaming News Oct 15, 2018 Rooster Teeth’s next animated series is set to take us to a far future of giant robot action. But our first real good look at the show is…
Computing David Hockney unveils iPad-designed window at Westminster Abbey | Computing Sep 27, 2018 A vibrantly coloured window designed by David Hockney on his iPad, showing blue skies and a red country path through blossoming Yorkshire Wolds…
Artificial intelligence The Metaethics of Joy, Suffering, and Artificial Intelligence with Brian Tomasik and David Pearce… Aug 17, 2018 What role does metaethics play in AI alignment and safety? How might paths to AI alignment change given different metaethical views? How do issues in…
Computing Facebook Interest in Blockchain Tech Gaining Momentum Amid David Marcus Coinbase Resignation | Crpto Aug 11, 2018 David Marcus of the Facebook blockchain research team announced today that he is removing himself from Coinbase’s board of directors. This is in…
Marketing How to Not Waste Your Time (and Money) at Tradeshows: David Spark on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]… Aug 9, 2018 Sign up to gain access to thousands of marketing resources! Don't worry ... It's FREE! Meeting with a prospect…
Robotics No risk of collisions at this job but he’s still pushing it to the max: Meet David Maltais –… Aug 3, 2018 Managing bloggers, telling automation stories, getting all departments talking: just a few of the things on David Maltais' very full plate.
Java JVMLS 2018: LWorld: the next steps on the journey to Valhalla with David Simms & Tobi Ajila… Aug 2, 2018 Submit LinkSubmit TextSeek Programming HelpNews, Technical discussions, research papers and assorted things of interest related to the Java…
Advertising Facebook’s David Baser on Why Users Should Still Share Their Data With Other Apps – Info… Jul 27, 2018 Facebook announced last week that it joined the Data Transfer Project—along with Twitter, Google and Microsoft—to help establish a common standard for…
Computing Tuesday’s Best Deals: 65″ 4K TV, Philips Hue Accessories, David Archy Underwear, and… Jul 25, 2018 A $500 65" 4K TV, a ton of Philips Hue kits and bulbs, $5 off ultra-soft underwear, and much more lead today’s best deals. Bookmark Kinja Deals and…
Tutorial Montage Of Johnny Depp Being Clueless with David Letterman – Info Tutorial Jul 23, 2018 Over the years, actor Johnny Depp was never an “easy” interview on David Letterman‘s NBC and CBS late night talk shows. Depp never seemed to know…