Computing Nearly $1 billion of cryptocurrency stolen in 2018 | Computing Oct 11, 2018 Cryptocurrency thefts have risen to hit nearly $1 billion over the course of 2018 as the economy continues to mature, new figures have revealed. A…
Computing Venezuela Mandates Passport Fees Must Be Paid in Controversial Cryptocurrency Petro | Crypto Oct 8, 2018 Venezuelans can only use the state-backed cryptocurrency, the Petro, to pay for passport fees starting next week, the country’s vice president…
Tech and Gadget US Senators Seek Stronger Sanctions on Venezuela’s ‘Petro’ Cryptocurrency | Crypto Oct 7, 2018 A bipartisan group of U.S. senators is pushing for tighter sanctions against Venezuela’s state-backed cryptocurrency, known as the petro. The bill,…
Tech News update Circle Invest lets you buy cryptocurrency collections | Industry Oct 5, 2018 With Circle Invest, Circle has been trying to make it as easy as possible to get started with cryptocurrency trading. And the company wants to go…
Computing Kill Switch Engage: Sia Cryptocurrency to Block Bitmain and Other Big Miners | Crypto Oct 2, 2018 After nearly a year of acrimonious debate, the Sia blockchain is moving to give big mining companies the boot. David Vorick, founder and CEO of…
Computing Russia’s ‘Disappointing’ Cryptocurrency Legislation: Why Experts Consider the Bill a Failure |… Sep 30, 2018 Russia has been trying to pass cryptocurrency legislation since the beginning of January 2018, with no success as of yet. The government’s main bill,…
Computing Swiss-Based Asset Management Firm to Introduce Metals-Backed Cryptocurrency | Crypto Sep 28, 2018 Switzerland-based asset management company Tiberius Group AG is going to introduce a cryptocurrency backed by metals, Bloomberg reported September…
Tech Tips & Tricks Mining vs. Trading Cryptocurrency – Which One Is Best for You? | Tips & Tricks Sep 26, 2018 There are many ways to obtain cryptocurrency. Mining and trading are two of the more popular ways. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and…
Tech and Gadget Ofo denies using GSE cryptocurrency for fundraising | Digital Asia Sep 26, 2018 The article Ofo denies using GSE cryptocurrency for fundraising was written by Masha Borak for TechNode. Troubled bike rental platform ofo has…
Tech and Gadget 6 cryptocurrency exchange hacks to get the best rates and profits | Digital Asia Sep 26, 2018 Depending on the state of the market, there are times when you will love crypto, and times when you’ll despise it. The benefits concerning cost…