Tech News update Why its so difficult for Uber to crack down on driver impersonators Nov 28, 2019 Officials in London said on Monday they won’t renew Uber’s license to operate in the city, citing a “pattern of failures,” such as unauthorized…
Tech News update Google to crack down on political ads to ‘improve voter confidence’ Nov 22, 2019 Google has said it will limit targeted political ads ahead of the UK and US elections. Google will no longer allow voters to be targeted by…
SEO Google opens complaint form to crack down on fake info in Maps Mar 3, 2019 Marissa Nordahl, a Google My Business Community Manager announced that Google launched a new form named the Business Redressal Complaint Form that…
Designing Hulu Will Crack Open Instagram’s World Record Egg! Feb 3, 2019 We’ve seen some interesting plays to break through the noise of the Super Bowl from brands like Skittles, which is foregoing a spot in the game this…
Computing Customer data is compromised as hackers crack Newegg’s security | Computing Sep 20, 2018 Chris Potter/Flickr Technology fans have hailed Newegg as the ultimate online electronics retailer, but with a recent security breach, customers…
Computing Amazon aims to crack down on employees who sell confidential info to merchants | Computing Sep 17, 2018 Retail and tech giant Amazon says it is investigating leaks and internal corruption throughout its marketplace. Since the company’s founding in 1994,…
Tech and Gadget Using data from cellphones to help Nairobi crack commuter stress | Apps News Aug 13, 2018 Matatu or minibuses in a downtown Nairobi park. Good information about transport is critical for citizens in any place Reuters A collaboration…