Artificial intelligence IDG Contributor Network: Does your startup business really need artificial intelligence? |… Aug 31, 2018 The global market for artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to grow from $3.2 billion in 2016 to a whopping $89 billion by 2025. A major chunk of…
Computing IDG Contributor Network: When it comes to code, be a consumer | Computing Aug 30, 2018 In nature, there are producers and consumers. (There are also decomposers, but that’s food-chain for thought, which we’ll leave for another day.)…
Computing IDG Contributor Network: 5 ways to reduce devops costs | Computing Aug 30, 2018 Made popular by startups that wanted to reduce their upfront infrastructure costs, the public cloud offered an easy opex method to get development…
Artificial intelligence IDG Contributor Network: Artificial intelligence: clearing hurdles to get to value faster |… Aug 28, 2018 Earlier this year, I was on my way home from a conference when I learned my flight from Seattle to Denver was delayed. That by itself was no big deal…
Artificial intelligence IDG Contributor Network: What’s disrupting supply chain and procurement? | Artificial intelligence Aug 27, 2018 Digital technologies are impacting specific industries, both through internal change and competitive threats. In “How to jumpstart digital…
Artificial intelligence IDG Contributor Network: The outlook for machine learning in tech: ML and AI skills in high demand |… Aug 23, 2018 Artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be the most significant technological advancement across all industries in recent decades. While we’re…
Tech and Gadget IDG Contributor Network: In-memory computing: enabling continuous learning for the digital… Aug 22, 2018 Businesses across a range of industries are turning to machine learning and deep-learning-powered artificial intelligence applications to drive their…
Artificial intelligence IDG Contributor Network: Do you have a plan for harnessing IoT data? | Artificial intelligence Aug 21, 2018 If you trust the headlines, 2018 is either the year of blockchain, the year of AI, or the year of augmented reality. The Internet of Things (IoT)…
Artificial intelligence IDG Contributor Network: Recognizing and solving for AI bias | Artificial intelligence Aug 20, 2018 Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is helping us uncover new insight from data and enhance human decision-making. For instance, we use facial…
Artificial intelligence IDG Contributor Network: AI: Going from sci-fi to business value requires some groundwork |… Aug 20, 2018 Artificial intelligence (AI) is here and is no longer the stuff of science fiction novels or Iron Man movies. It’s real, it’s now, it’s predicted to…