Tech and Gadget Study: Gen Z likely to buoy email as a favored channel | Public Relation Sep 8, 2018 Email use is just about saturated among Generations X and Y. There is one group, though, for whom it is growing: Generation Z, in the 13–21 age…
Tech Tips & Tricks How to Connect Discord Server to Your Twitch Stream or YouTube Channel Sep 7, 2018 Discord Streamkit contains a lot of useful features for streamers. Learn how to connect Discord Server to your Twitch stream or YouTube Channel.
Social Media YouTube bans Infowars’ Alex Jones channel | Social Sep 5, 2018 Alex Jones’ channel has been InfoWars’ biggest account on YouTube, with 2.4 million subscribers. Screenshot by Joan E. Solsman/CNET Alex Jones, the…
Social Media Comcast will let you watch Amazon Prime Video like a cable channel | Social Sep 4, 2018 After adding Netflix and YouTube to its X1 pay-TV service, Comcast is adding Amazon Prime Video, with shows like The Grand Tour, later this year.…
Email Marketing Why Email Remains the Best Marketing Channel (A Data-Backed Answer) – Tech| Email Marketing Aug 12, 2018 I tend to avoid using superlatives, but I’ll come right out and say it: email marketing campaigns are by far the BEST marketing channel on the web.…
Tech and Gadget Why Influencer Marketing Is More Than A Brand Awareness Channel | Social Aug 11, 2018 There’s a common fallacy that exists in the marketing industry that data is for performance marketers and creative is for brand marketers. At Social…
Customer Services The Definitive Guide to Choosing the Right Channel for Customer Survey | Customer Service Aug 11, 2018 Don’t get stuck with the one channel you’ve originally decided on. Add channels into the mix and achieve an insightful look into the customer…
Artificial intelligence New YouTube Channel to make AI Research accessible | AI Aug 8, 2018 Hi, Please check out my channel ( which talks about research in Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Reinforcement…
Artificial intelligence New YouTube Channel to make AI Research accessible – Info AI Aug 5, 2018 Welcome to /r/artificial/r/artificial is the largest subreddit dedicated to all issues related to Artificial Intelligence or AI. What does AI…
SEO Which Digital Marketing Channel Has the Highest ROI for Websites? [POLL] by @A_Ninofranco –… Aug 3, 2018 In today’s digital world, it is unthinkable for brands to disregard the power of internet marketing.Leveraging digital marketing is essential not just…