Social Media It took a genocide for Facebook to ban a country’s military leadership | Social Aug 28, 2018 The United Nations issued a report today alleging that the military in Myanmar had “genocidal intent” when it committed mass murders and gang rapes…
Computing New York District Judge Rules That CFTC Can Permanently Ban Crypto Firm | Crypto Aug 25, 2018 The U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has won a court order to permanently bar the operator of the New York-based firm CabbageTech…
Robotics Ban ‘killer robots’ to protect fundamental moral and legal principles | Robotics Aug 22, 2018 Lance Cpl. Julien Rodarte, U.S. Marine Corps”> The U.S. military is already testing a Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System. Credit: Lance…
Computing Twitter CEO defends decision not to ban Alex Jones, Infowars | Computing Aug 22, 2018 In this Tuesday, July 19, 2016 file photo, Alex Jones, center right, is escorted by police out of a crowd of protesters outside the Republican…
Artificial intelligence Hawking, Higgs and Over 3,000 Other Scientists Support UN Nuclear Ban Negotiations Chinese Tech| AI Aug 12, 2018 Click here to see this page in other languages: English 多数联合国的会员国代表将前往纽约进行有关核武器禁令的谈判。他们也将会收到由数千位来自八十多个国家的科学家所签署的一封支持信-其中包括二十八位诺贝尔奖获奖者和前任美国国防部长。信中解释…
Affiliate Marketing Will Facebook Ban Your Ad Account Even If You Go White Hat? | Affliate Marketing Aug 9, 2018 Will Facebook Ban Your Ad Account Even If You Go White Hat? A discussion on how to maximize profits from FB traffic, and how to avoid account…
Advertising Alex Jones keeps on streaming despite YouTube’s live ban – Info Advertisement Jul 27, 2018 Jones kept his shirt on during Thursday, barely Credit: InfoWars via YoutubeAlex Jones can't be silenced on YouTube it seems.The…
Computing In World Of Warcraft’s New Communities, It’s Easy To Troll And Hard To Ban – Info… Jul 25, 2018 World of Warcraft’s new “communities” feature just launched. These communities are a lot like guilds, except they’re unconstrained by servers, which…
Mac India regulator threatens to ban iPhones from carrier networks over resistance to anti-spam app… Jul 23, 2018 Last weekend, a report suggested that Apple had sold fewer than 1 million iPhones in India so far this year. Now, it appears that iPhone sales…
Innovation Why Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook won’t ban Holocaust deniers and Infowars – Info… Jul 23, 2018 Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg recently defended the company's decision to keep on its platform the site…