Mac 9 Methods to Speed up Mac’s Loading Time Aug 5, 2020 Macbooks are known quite well when it comes to their overall performance. In this article we'll suggest 9 methods to speed up Mac’s loading time.
Mac Mac OS 8 Emulator Available as a Downloadable App Jul 30, 2020 Slack developer Felix Rieseberg has transformed Mac OS 8 into a single downloadable app for modern macOS, Windows, and Linux devices. Having…
Linux Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint: Which One Should You Use? Jul 21, 2020 Linux Mint, while based on Ubuntu, has a different approach than Ubuntu for creating a Linux distribution. Ubuntu makes use of Gnome 3 and tries…
Linux How to Change Your Application Icon from the Terminal in Linux Jul 15, 2020 Previously, we showed you how you can easily change app icons in Gnome 3. However, some users still prefer to use their terminal for that. It’s…
Programmers How to Build a Serverless App with Lambda? Jul 15, 2020 Gone are the days when you needed in-house servers. Most of the companies have switched to serverless infrastructure these days. You don’t have to…
Programmers How to Redirect Your IP Address to Your Domain Name Jul 13, 2020 It’s an edge case, but if someone types in your IP address instead of your domain name, you’ll want your server to handle that request properly,…
Mac How to View a Saved Password in Safari on Mac Jul 12, 2020 Sometimes, you need to login to a website on a different device or browser, but you can’t remember the password. Luckily, if you have previously…
Programmers 15 Best CMD Commands Used In Hacking in 2020 Jul 5, 2020 Command Prompt is indeed a useful feature, but hackers often use it for the wrong purpose. The command prompt is also used by security experts as…
Mac Security Issue in MacBooks Allows Hackers Access to Personal Data Jul 1, 2020 Jeff Johnson, a professional Mac, and iOS developer, recently published a detailed blog post on a macOS security bug that can allow hackers to…
Linux How to Fix High CPU Usage in Linux Jun 30, 2020 Is your PC freezing? Or have you started hearing loud CPU fan noise coming from your computer? There are many reasons for high CPU utilization in…