Advertising Microsoft Bing Removed 1.6 Billion Ads & Suspended 300K Advertisers Mar 24, 2021 Microsoft has published its version of the ad quality year in review 2020. Microsoft said it suspended about 300,000 advertising accounts.
Advertising Google ads insights tab rolling out to more advertisers Jan 21, 2021 Google ads insights tab rolling out to more advertisers. Insights page makes easy to explore insights and emerging trends based on your business.
Advertising Facebook & Google Secret Deal to Reduce Ad Competition Jan 18, 2021 Facebook and Google reportedly settled a deal that reduced ad competition between the two companies. The deal was nicknamed “Jedi Blue”.
Advertising Microsoft advertising launch monitoring dashboard Dec 24, 2020 Microsoft announced the launch of the microsoft advertising monitoring dashboard for uptime and system status of its platform & APIs.
Advertising Pinterest promised brands from politics on social sites Nov 20, 2020 Pinterest announced quarterly results last month, reporting a 58% increase in ad revenue year-over-year to $443 million.
Advertising Instagram gives users new control over personalized ads Nov 17, 2020 Instagram built setting to mirror existing facebook ad preferences setting to take more control over data to personalize their ads.
Advertising The evolution of social advertising through 2020 Nov 6, 2020 Brands can gain a deeper understanding of the evolving global social advertising landscape and how it can empower them to thoughtfully connect with…
Advertising Google Discover Traffic Bouncing Back For Some Publishers? Oct 7, 2020 A few weeks ago, I reported about many publishers complaining their Google Discover traffic dropped off a cliff right around August 10th, right…
Advertising Platforms Are Split Over If and How to Handle Political Ads Sep 29, 2020 Last fall, a full year before the 2020 U.S. presidential election, major social media platforms were already debating whether they should take…
Advertising Google Ads API Is Now Available To All Sep 23, 2020 Google announced on Twitter that the Google Ads API is now “generally” available to all advertisers and developers. I believe it launched last…