Computing 4 things you need to understand about edge computing Mar 30, 2020 Edge computing has claimed a spot in the technology zeitgeist as one of the topics that signals novelty and cutting-edge thinking. For a few years…
Computing How To Fix Zero-Day Vulnerability On Windows 10 Mar 28, 2020 If you have been staying updated with the latest tech news, then you might know that recently Microsoft warned users about a new exploit that…
Computing Two New Unpatched Critical RCE Flaws Affect All Windows Versions Mar 24, 2020 Microsoft today issued a new security advisory warning billions of Windows users of two new critical, unpatched zero-day vulnerabilities that could…
Computing DeepCode brings AI-powered code review to C and C++ Mar 21, 2020 DeepCode, the cloud service that uses machine learning to analyze codebases for security flaws and potential bugs, can now analyze C and C++ code.…
Computing How to Use Adobe’s Creative Cloud Remotely Mar 20, 2020 Many enterprises and studios are familiar with using Adobe’s Team and Enterprise offerings collaboratively. But collaboration inside a corporate…
Computing A supercomputer called Summit is taking on the coronavirus Mar 20, 2020 It may be technology in the form of jet planes that has been helping the coronavirus to move at speed around the world, but it is technology that…
Computing GitHub to acquire NPM JavaScript package registry Mar 17, 2020 Microsoft-owned GitHub has signed an agreement to purchase JavaScript package registry provider NPM, with plans to integrate the two platforms and…
Computing AMD processors susceptible to security vulnerabilities, data leaks Mar 11, 2020 Graz University of Technology researchers recently revealed that AMD CPUs dating as far back as the early 2010s are susceptible to side channel…
Computing Kotlin upgrade brings experimental features Mar 10, 2020 A new upgrade to Kotlin, the JetBrains-created statically typed programming language for JVM and Android development, puts an emphasis on improving…
Computing Apache Brooklyn 1.0 arrives for autonomic cloud computing Mar 6, 2020 The Apache Software Foundation has released Apache Brooklyn 1.0, a production-level release of the open source framework for modeling, monitoring,…