Computing The laptop with the world’s biggest screen is still on sale Jan 25, 2020 There’s a good reason most companies never launched a laptop with a curved screen as often, you need ample space to appreciate the curvature of the…
Computing Microsoft is Testing Ads in Wordpad You Might Actually Be Glad to See Jan 23, 2020 Since the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft has experimented with various ways to advertise its apps and capabilities. Most of these have been ill…
Computing 10 Must Have Software For Windows In 2020 Jan 17, 2020 Windows is one of the best, leading & most preferred operating system all across the globe; As this operating system preferred by million of…
Computing Microsoft ends free Windows 7 security updates on Tuesday Jan 14, 2020 If you’re still using Microsoft’s Windows 7, your computer might soon be at risk.Microsoft will stop providing free security updates for the…
Computing Windows 11: The Operating System Which We Need Jan 9, 2020 Microsoft has launched many versions of Windows OS but users are always complaining about its features. Recently Microsoft has stopped giving…
Computing Fully exploiting the potential of supercomputers Jan 8, 2020 An EU initiative has designed and developed a computing platform based on a new memory technology. It will help improve the input/output (I/O)…
Computing Chrome will start showing error codes to help with debugging Jan 4, 2020 In an effort to help users debug their systems, Google Chrome will soon get support for error codes that resemble those seen during a Windows blue…
Computing 5 Microsoft developer tools and technologies to explore in 2020 Jan 2, 2020 At the end of 2019, it’s worth looking ahead as you put together your application development plans and your technology roadmaps. The last few years…
Computing 3 Ways Find Windows 10 Product Key Dec 25, 2019 In this article, we are to share with you 3 Ways Find Windows 10 Product Key without any software, Follow all the instructions carefully. 1. Find…
Computing How to improve cloud management through a cloud resource tagging policy Dec 23, 2019 In the multi-cloud environments that enterprises are embracing, implementing enterprise-grade cloud governance platforms is the key to successful…