Sales Matt’s App of the Week: Taskade – Info Sales Jul 23, 2018 We’ve directly tested and experimented with literally dozens of project management, task management and team collaboration tools in the…
Sales Sales Conversation Secrets Jul 23, 2018 Helping people have better conversations in sales is crucial. Especially in the modern era of selling, creating connections and making sales is…
Sales What’s New in This Version of You Jul 23, 2018 Each time a new update to a software program is released, it comes with an explanation of what changes and improvements have been made to the software…
Sales Pitch to Win 6 Step Formula: “Optimism” Jul 23, 2018 Justin Cohen’s New Book: Step #3 “Optimism” Moving right along with the key steps of the formula to win, step 3 is optimism. “I am optimistic…
Sales How to Get Your Startup Up and Running with a Business Incubator Jul 23, 2018 Starting a company can be a lonely process for the first-time entrepreneur. There’s a lot of hard work, self-discipline, limited feedback on…
Sales The Ridiculously Successful Way to Introduce Yourself Over Email Jul 23, 2018 How to introduce yourself in an email Write a compelling subject line Tailor your greeting to the industry and situation Make your…
Sales As Per Our Conversation: What This Business Phrase Means and 15 Alternatives Jul 23, 2018 The most passive aggressive phrase in all the business land? It might just be “As per our conversation.” You’ve sent it. You’ve received it. And we…
Sales How to Suffer in Sales Jul 21, 2018 The first way that you might suffer in sales is wishing that you had hot, ready to buy leads burning up the phone lines. Ready to buy leads are much…
Sales SalesPOP! Top Contributor Spotlight: Julie Hansen Jul 21, 2018 Julie Hansen is July’s Contributor Spotlight! Each month, SalesPOP! interviews one of our top contributors, giving readers a peek into the mind of…
Sales 29 Real Estate Blogs Every Realtor Should Read in 2018 Jul 21, 2018 Realtors, you know you can’t be good at your jobs if you’re not plugged into the industry. But you also can’t start a real estate business -- or grow…