Productivity Weekly Round-Up #186: Be Productive On Any Device, 106 Voice Search Facts And Own A Pop Culture Car… Jul 28, 2018 Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we put together some great productivity apps on MacOs, Windows, iOS and Android; provide you with 106…
Productivity Selling a Good Time: Inside the Wild, Wacky World of Minor League Baseball Marketing – Info… Jul 27, 2018 Today, arguably the most effective branding in the world is coming out of small towns across America. We’re talking about those places like…
Productivity Review: Happy Planner “Important”, Icon and Checklist Stamps – Info Productivity Jul 25, 2018 For those of you who have been following me on my planning journey for a while, you’ll know that I recently changed to a Traveler’s Notebook to…
Productivity The First Five Years: What Should be in your Portfolio? – Info Productivity Jul 25, 2018 Getting started in your creative career is tough. You’ve got boatloads of ambition and energy, but you lack experience, the kind of knowledge…
Productivity Here’s where you should set your office thermostat to be the most focused and productive –… Jul 25, 2018 Takeaway: Pretty much everything affects your attention—including the temperature of your office. Keep your thermostat set between 70-72ºF (21-22ºC)…
Productivity 5 Best Budgeting Apps: Track Spending, Plan Expenses And Save Money – Info Productivity Jul 23, 2018 “Where does my money go?” If you keep asking this question at the end of each month, you might need to start taking your finances under control.…
Productivity Todd Yellin: Create a Culture of Iconoclasts – Info Productivity Jul 23, 2018 As VP of Product for Netflix and self-proclaimed “enabler of iconoclasts”, Todd Yellin leads the team that helps millions of people find something…
Productivity A Life of Peacefulness – Info Productivity Jul 23, 2018 By Leo Babauta Most of us want a greater sense of peace and ease in our lives — life can be stressful, chaotic, overwhelming, full of…
Productivity Tina Roth Eisenberg: Leading with Joy – Info Productivity Jul 23, 2018 Good morning 99U. I’m really happy to be back. As Will said, my name is Tina Roth Eisenberg, but most people know me as Swiss Miss which is the…
Productivity The Ground of Your Basic Goodness – Info Productivity Jul 23, 2018 By Leo Babauta A lot of the time, life can be pretty stressful:You feel like you’re treading water, or drowning from an overwhelming number of…