How Small Businesses Use Video Marketing to boost their sales
There’s no denying that videos are the most powerful tool to impact the viewer’s mind. This is because the human brain processes image 60,000 times faster than textual content. As a result, numerous major brands harness video marketing’s power to make the most out of their marketing endeavors.
From a marketing standpoint, they’ve positioned themselves to get the best response from their targeted audience by leveraging different types of videos, i.e., 2D animation and stop-motion. Use these different types to showcase services, products, expertise, and much more.
Guide for Small Business Video Marketing
- An average individual will spend 100 minutes of online videos every day in 2021.
- 85% of people will be looking forward to seeing more videos from their preferred brands in 2021.
- 84% of people claim that videos of brands have convinced them to buy their product or service.
Read: 116 Video Marketing Stats And Facts For 2020
The stats mentioned above clearly indicate the viability of video marketing. However, the questions that pop up in mind after reading about the advantages of video marketing are: How video marketing is being conducted to yield positive results and what type of businesses are utilizing the video marketing medium?
How video marketing benefits your business In 2021
The study provides a deep analysis of the video marketing statistics for marketers and business. It explains how the statistics will allow the readers to understand what works in the video marketing world and how business can effectively leverage it and gain maximum ROI.
Even though these statistics are meant for small business owners, it doesn’t mean they aren’t viable for B2Bs. On the contrary, the latter is empowering B2C in their endeavors and build lasting relationships with them.
The great pandemic is another factor to consider when leveraging videos to market your product or service. A staggering 91% of marketers feel that the pandemic has made the role of videos for brands more important than ever. As a result, 70% of marketers expected that their video marketing budget would likely increase in 2021. Not only that but also 68% of consumers have claimed that pandemic has a positive impact on the amount of video content watched online.
Read: 5 Reasons To Add Video Marketing To Your Strategy
Investing In Video Marketing
There are several reasons why most small business don’t pay much attention to video marketing. That includes insufficient internal resources or a lack of skill set to create impactful videos. For example, some business focus more on creating textual content rather than video content. Or they might have a small staff and don’t have an adequate resource to create marketing videos. Additionally, it is not always costly to create marketing videos.
Some videos are not more than 20 – 30 seconds, yet they’re highly effective, educating, and engaging. In addition, these short videos usually don’t cost much compared to full-fledged advertising videos with models, effects, cameras, and much more.
Nonetheless, 93% of marketers leverage videos as a marketing tool claim videos to be an integral part of the marketing strategy. Moreover, 87% of marketers claim that videos help boost their ROI, which is a significant increase from 33% back to 2015.
Read: 6 Important Facts Of Video Marketing
On-site engagement
Videos are the ideal choice for customers. Posts that include videos tend to receive 3x more engagement than posts without videos. Similarly, a website’s conversion rate with videos is at 4.8 percent, while those without videos are at 2.9 percent.
Therefore, it’s crucial to include videos in marketing strategy as they play a key role in boosting your ROI.
Even though creating one video is always better than creating none, you need to create videos regularly to attract your audience. This attraction results in engagement which later in the process translates into sales and conversions. Additionally, videos help businesses to generate leads that could convert into sales. As a matter of fact, 84% of marketers claim that videos helped them generate more leads than traditional marketing methods. Moreover, 80% of marketers claim that videos make a positive impact on boosting sales and revenue.
Moreover, it’s always better to publish videos continually and make the most out of your marketing efforts. It is recommended that you maintain a robust and active online presence by regularly posting/publishing your marketing or promotional videos. This approach is more viable as compared to posting once in six months. If you’re not maintaining an active online presence, you’re simply reminding your audience that you exist.
Suppose your potential customers are at the end of their buying journey before they’ve gotten in touch with you. They’re at this stage because they’ve already done their research on your business either by reviewing your content and finding relevant answers to their queries. However, if your audience cannot find any relevant details about your company or your services or products, they would simply move on to your competitor’s website without any delay.
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Hence, having a marketing video would educate your customers about your services and are the ideal marketing tool for business to attract their target audience. Videos keep the audience engaged and help them move in the right marketing direction to get visitors directed towards the conversion funnel.
Is This Time-consuming Process to Creating Marketing Videos?
Another important aspect of creating videos is that they don’t have to be time-consuming. For example, don’t rush the process of creating an animation video; instead, focus on how you can capitalize on the opportunities, target your audience more effectively, or which message would prove to be more engaging and fruitful in the long run of your video campaign.
There are several platforms available online that you can leverage to make videos within minutes. Some of these platforms are; Promo, Moovly, Animaker. You can use these platforms to create effective marketing videos.
These platforms are designed to help you get rid of the requirement of hiring a skilled video animation expert. You can seamlessly create your marketing videos through these platforms; however, one feeling of the video belonging to your brand cannot be achieved through this approach. To create a tailored marketing video that reflects your brand’s true nature and core values, you would have to create it yourself or hire an animator or a company to translate your vision or expectations into a reality.
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Additionally, you can also create an animation video to thank your clients for buying your services or product. This consideration or acknowledgment can also help you in further strengthening your bond with your audience. Once you grasp the importance of animation, you’ll better understand how animated posts galvanize your social media marketing.
Video marketing will become a more crucial role for small and medium business in the coming years. The viability of video marketing is robust and fully comprehendible; therefore, businesses need to adapt to the medium to stay on par with the competition and excite and impact their targeted audience.
Moreover, as a small business owner, you should understand video marketing and the channels you can cover with your video marketing efforts. By creating a strategic roadmap, capitalizing on market gaps, and creating meaningful and purpose-driven marketing videos, you can increase brand awareness, generate leads, boost conversions, and most importantly, build customer loyalty and establish a lasting relationship with them.
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