Google Discover Traffic Bouncing Back For Some Publishers?

A few weeks ago, I reported about many publishers complaining their Google dropped off a cliff right around August 10th, right around the same time of the August 10th Google Search glitch. While I have seen some folks report recoveries shortly after I reported this, others noticed recoveries when Google began fixing the canonical and mobile-indexing bugs.

Here is a chart shared by Glenn Gabe on Twitter of one publisher, out of several I’ve seen, that is now showing an increase in Google Discover traffic. The weird one about this is it happened when Google began fixing those indexing issues:

click for full size

Glenn wrote “Since the 8/11 indexing bug, there are some news publishers that saw Discover traffic completely flatline in certain countries. Very interesting to see Discover traffic *return* for this specific publisher now that Google is fixing the canonical bug + mobile indexing bug.”

So this is a call out to all those impacted, how has your Google Discover traffic been? I suspect most of you will say there was no improvement but I am curious. Let me know in the comments.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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