4 Outsourcing Hacks to Streamline Pinterest Content Strategy

Few traffic sources compare to . The rapidly growing social network is one of the fastest mediums to generate traffic. As Facebook algorithms prioritize sponsored posts over organic content and Google makes it more difficult for websites to rank, shrewd marketers are turning to Pinterest to capture new traffic. They are especially interested in using Pinterest to reach women, since 83% of women between the ages of 25 and 54 are on the site.

Although Pinterest is arguably the easiest site to earn traffic from, it still entails a lot of work. You need to generate a ton of content before you start seeing results. Most marketers eventually outsource their content creation to get faster results.

can be a great way to scale your content marketing efforts on Pinterest. However, you are likely to face a frustrating learning curve, which can be stressful in the early stages. Fortunately, there are some very helpful steps that you can take to ensure your outsourcing approach works more effectively.

You will get a lot more from your Pinterest campaigns if you use a team. One poll showed that 28% of marketers are using Pinterest, but their results vary. Those that outsource strategically tend to perform better. Here are some proven outsourcing tips that will help you get the most out of your Pinterest marketing efforts.

Use dependable training methods

The biggest hurdle that you were going to face is training your contractors to create the content that you need. You can’t always expect them to know exactly what you need, even if they have extensive experience creating Pinterest content.

There are different elearning applications that you can use. You might want to try Sumasoft support to develop an application to instruct your virtual assistants.

Only use quality outsourcing channels

There are more outsourcing sites then you can shake a stick at. Some of them have a large supply of talented professionals that can help you immensely. Other sites have a tendency to attract unqualified marketers that won’t provide the quality services that you expect.

You need to be selective with outsourcing websites. You should avoid hiring virtual assistants and content creators on Fiverr and other low-tier sites. Upwork is a reliable outsourcing platform, but you need to do your due diligence when hiring contractors.

One of the benefits of platforms like Upwork is that you can evaluate the quality of contractors based on past performance with other employers. However, these features are only useful if you take advantage of them.

You need to pay close attention to ratings and reviews from other employers. You should also see how many other clients they have worked with. In general, it is best to only work with contractors that have worked with at least 15 other clients, so you have a decent sample of reviews to evaluate.

Use Pinterest ads to test performance of different creatives

Pinterest is definitely a numbers game. You might create 1,000 pins and find that 10 of them drive almost all of your traffic.

You can’t predict with absolute certainty which pins are going to take off. Some Pinterest images seem great and don’t take off, while others go viral that you wouldn’t expect. However, you can maximize your chances by determining which types of pins get the most traction in your niche.

Before you spend a small fortune paying a virtual assistant to create content for your Pinterest account, you are going to want to figure out what type of content works best for your audience. One of the most cost-effective ways to do this is with Pinterest ads.

The problem with relying on entirely organic traffic is that engagement metrics won’t be a perfect indicator of the quality of your pin. Sometimes, otherwise great pins won’t go viral because they were simply posted at the wrong time. Other pins might not get much engagement because they were shared when your account is new and didn’t have enough followers yet.

Pinterest ads ensure your pins get more exposure. Quality pins that you have promoted should get the reception they need to go viral.

Look at tailwind tribes for feedback and insights

Tailwind is one of the best promotional tools for Pinterest marketers. The most popular reason that marketers use Tailwind is to take advantage of the scheduling tool. However, Tailwind tribes are also very helpful.

You can use Tailwind tribes to share your content with similar publishers. These publishers can give great feedback on the types of pins that you are sharing and those that have worked best for them.

You should use this information and pass it along to your virtual assistance. This will ensure they are creating pins that have a proven track record on other boards in your niche.

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