Google Fixed The Disqus Indexing Issues

‘s Martin Splitt confirmed that Google has an issue with it indexing some Disqus comments. The issue has been around for several months, at least since before last December. Last week Martin Splitt from Google took notice of the issue and said it will be fixed. As of last night, it is now fixed.

Here is Glenn Gabe on Twitter saying that Martin Splitt of Google confirmed with him that this issue is now resolved:

Here is Martin confirming this on June 20th, that this is resolved:

Here are screen shots from Glenn showing the sites with Disqus comments that were not indexed are now being indexed:

Now, this did not impact all sites, with all Disqus comment implementations. It is hard to what percentage of sites were impacted by this. Glenn reported this back in December 2019 but it took a random tweet that caught Google’s Gary Illyes eye to ping his colleague Martin Splitt to look into it. A week or so later, the issue from several months ago is now resolved.

Here is Martin again following up two days after these tweets that it is resolved:

Two days to fix this, it must have been an easy fix?

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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