10 Best Apps to Maximize Android’s Performance in 2020
In this article, we are going to share a list of best Android apps that really cleans junk files and improves the performance. So, let’s check out the best apps to maximize Android’s Performance.
1. Droid Optimizer
Droid Optimizer deserves to be on the top of the list due to certain reasons. The app got everything that you need to boost your phone’s performance. It’s one of such apps that really improve your Android’s performance. It can free up space, clean RAM, limit background apps, etc. So, Droid Optimizer is definitely the best Android app that you should use today.
2. All-in-One Toolbox

All-in-One Toolbox is a multi-purpose app available on the Google Play Store. It basically brings a set of mini tools for junk cleaning, CPU cooling, speed boosting, battery saving, etc. Apart from optimizing the apps, the app offers some other advanced features like compressing photos to improve performance, moving system apps to SD card, etc. So, All-in-One Toolbox is one such app that really cleans up your device.
3. SD Maid

SD Maid is pretty much similar to the All-in-one Toolbox that had been listed above. However, SD Maid is not that advanced. It’s a lightweight app that can help you to clean up your device. The app has a feature known as ‘CorpseFinder’ which searches and deletes any leftover files or folders. Other than that, it also got features like database optimizer, app cleaner, etc.
4. Norton Clean

Norton Clean is one of the best junk cleaner app that you can use on your Android smartphone. It’s one of the biggest competitors of CCleaner and it stands out due to its amazing user interface. Just like CCleaner, Norton Clean also scans and cleans leftover files, junk files, cache files, etc. It also got an App manager that lists all apps along with multiple sorting options. You can use the sorting options to find and remove apps that you rarely use.
5. Phone Master

Phone Master is the last app on the list which effectively cleans up your device. With Phone Master, you get a cache cleaner, junk cleaner, App locker, App manager, Data Manager, Battery Saver. To save battery life, the app detects and kills resource-hungry apps. Similarly, to boost your phone’s performance, it scans and deletes useless apps, files, cache, junks, etc.
6. Tinycore – CPU, RAM monitor

Well, it’s not an Android optimization app, but it would help you find apps that put in lots of loads on your phone’s CPU and RAM. It’s a system monitoring app that adds a CPU and RAM indicator right on the status bar. With Tinycore – CPU, RAM monitor, you can monitor CPU usage, CPU frequency, RAM usage, Battery Level, etc.
7. Ancleaner, Android cleaner

Ancleaner, Android cleaner is an all-in-one phone cleaner app that you can use on Android. It brings lots of mini tools like a phone cleaner, app manager, WhatsApp cleaner, RAM cleaner, etc. The junk cleaner of Ancleaner, Android cleaner is powerful enough to remove hidden junk files.
8. Storage Analyzer & Disk Usage

It’s a disk cleaner app that analyzes and cleans up disk space to maximize Android’s performance. The app displays information on SDCard, USB Devices, external and internal storage, cloud storage, etc in a simple graphical form. Apart from that, it also has a Cache cleaner that quickly deletes app’s cache file.
9. Avast Cleanup & Boost

Well, if you have been searching for a highly effective cache and junk cleaner app for your Android device, then Avast Cleanup & Boost might be the best pick for you. It has everything that you need to maximize your phone’s performance like a storage analyzer, duplicate cleaner, battery booster, app manager, etc.
10. 3C All-in-One Toolbox

3C All-in-One Toolbox is much similar to the All-In-One Toolbox app that has been listed above. It combines wide range of features into one giant toolbox. It has a device manager, file manager, app manager, battery manager, junk cleaner, Task manager, CPU Manager, storage analyzer, etc. All these things were needed to maximize the performance of Android.
So, these are the best Android apps that really improve Android’s performance. If you know any other such apps, let us know in the comment box below.