Importance of Customizing Your Website Landing Pages for Pinterest Traffic

is one of the best social networking platforms to reach new customers. According to the most recent estimates, 322 million people use the platform every month. There are 84 million Pinterest users in the United States alone. Pinterest is also far less competitive than Facebook and Twitter, so businesses should see results much quicker and with smaller budgets.

However, there is still a learning curve for new businesses that are trying to reach customers on Pinterest. One of the challenges they face is creating successful pages to appeal to their audience.

One of the mistakes that I see many new Pinterest marketers (as well as some experienced ones) make is using the same landing page for all of their visitors. This can significantly limit the ROI of your Pinterest marketing campaigns, because your customers are obviously going to have different needs.

It is important to adjust your Pinterest landing page for different angles and customer segments. You should have noticeably higher conversion rates after making these changes. You can always get assistance from a professional web development service.

Understanding Different Customer Needs

Pinterest has highly nuanced targeting capabilities. They are different from Facebook’s, but they can still give their larger social networking rival a run for its money. Although the demographic targeting options aren’t as sophisticated, Pinterest allows marketers to reach users searching for various keywords. This enables you to match your ads to Pinterest users actively searching for relevant offers.

This gives your brand a lot of potential. However, you need to make sure your entire funnel is optimized for your customers. You can’t just create a unique ad for every targeting option and refer all of your visitors to the same landing page. Every stage of the funnel needs to be built with your target customers and their end goal in mind. This includes building a relevant landing page.

Building Custom Landing Pages for Your Pinterest funnel

There are various factors that you should keep in mind when building a landing page for Pinterest. Here are a few of the most important.

Split-test category and product pages relevant to your targeted keywords

Every landing page should carefully match the keywords that you are targeting. However, there are still a couple of different styles that you can try. You could have a category page with links to multiple offers. You could also try having links to product pages with a single offer and a stronger CTA.

Which style is best? That is going to depend on the nature of each campaign. You are going to need to split-test to find out. As an affiliate for AliExpress, I have found that product pages work better for some keywords and category pages work better for others. It may depend on how committed a customer is to purchasing a particular product, as opposed to alternatives. You can’t possibly predict this ahead of time, which is why you will need to test both types of landing pages.

Test different demographic targeting options with your keywords and customize landing pages accordingly

Pinterest allows you to target both specific keywords and demographics. You could choose to only target users based on demographics, regardless of the keywords they are searching for. You would get a lot more volume, but your ads would be much less targeted.

When you first start running a campaign, you should try being a lot more targeted. You will get better results if you test different keywords and demographics at the same time.

For example, let’s assume that you are promoting weight loss offers for a client. You might want to target customers searching for the keyword “weight loss.” You should also try creating a few different campaigns for these potential users. You may want to target the following demographics:

  • Women between the ages of 18 and 34
  • Women between the ages of 35 and 64
  • Women over the age of 65
  • Men between the ages of 18 and 34
  • Men between the ages of 35 and 64
  • Men over the age of 65

Each of the demographics listed above may have different pain points when looking for weight loss services. Younger woman might be looking to lose weight to make themselves more appealing do men they want to date. Older women might want to lose weight to feel more confident with their husband. Older women and men of different ages might be more concerned about their health. Younger men might also want to lose weight for athletic reasons.

Your landing pages should reflect the unique needs of every visitor.

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