What the New Facebook News Feed Updates Means for Your Brand

Over the last few years building a strong Fan base on Pages has become more of a challenge for personal brands. Since the latest updates to its Feed online relationships have seen a decline. But the ability to build a strong community on Facebook is still possible.

Today investing in ads has become essential to attracting new Fans and business opportunities. The good news is that there are several ways you can also have organic reach and continue to grow by implementing a few strategies.

How can your brand become more visible on Facebook in the midst of change? Through original content, interactions in Groups, and greater involvement in other social networks.

There are some key things your personal brand can employ in order to get your Facebook Page active again and even attract more fans. Most of these strategies help facilitate growth without having the need for a high advertising budget.

How to re-build a strong community on Facebook

The following steps are things your personal brand can start doing today:

  • Post content that adds value – Share a mix of video and images that provide helpful tips and advice, and posts that ask questions without a direct sales approach. Live Video on your personal profile is popular method today to attract an audience to your Page.
  • Start interacting in niche groups – Find an active and engaged community where regular communication and  relationship building is genuinely taking place. Pay attention to the rules of each group and save any promotional content for your own Page. Remember that members are seeking helpful and valuable information that can help improve or enhance their lives.
  • Steer clear of “engagement bait” practices – If your brand is directly asking your Fans to comment on your posts then Facebook will take notice and “demote” these. For example, asking your readers to ‘like’ your post if they agree with what you are presenting.
  • Build up your other social networks – If your brand has been focusing more on Facebook than any of your other social networks it’s time to return to these places and becoming active again. Not only can you attract more subscribers to your website, but you can encourage your followers in these places to become a Fan of your Page.

It’s not time to abandon Facebook Pages altogether yet by changing your marketing strategy you can continue to grow your personal brand’s visibility there. Stay up to date with the latest changes and rules in order to avoid any conflicts with their policies as well as setting aside a small budget for running ads at least one a month.

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