Russian software will be installed on smartphones and smartwatches

maps, search, antivirus and audio-visual services should be installed from July 1 on all new smartphones, tablets and smartwatches, according to the draft resolution on amendments to the law on consumer protection. Previously, in the “law against Apple” mandatory pre-installation from July was only for smartphones.

The concept of the bill, which was proposed by the Federal Antimonopoly Service in January, provided for the installation of Russian programs on smartphones from July 1, 2020, on tablets and wearable devices – from July 1, 2021, on computers – from July 1, 2022. Later it became known that set-top boxes and Smart TVs should also comply with the new requirements from July 1, 2023.

However, the wording “wireless equipment for domestic use, having a touch screen and having two or more functions” appeared in the project, such electronics should meet the requirements from July 1, 2020. The Director of Public Relations of transport company RATEK Anton Guskov explained that devices with touch screens that perform more than two functions are smartphones, tablets and smartwatches.

The project also introduces requirements for programs: in order for an application to be included in the list of possible Russian alternatives, it must have a monthly audience of at least 100,000 users and the same number of installations. In addition, according to the bill, the device manufacturer may not preinstall Russian software if it has received refusals from all Russian manufacturers of the relevant programs, or such programs are not compatible with the device’s OS.

These requirements, instead of encouraging small Russian manufacturers, will provide protection from competition for large software companies, said Guskov. He believes that legal uncertainty and vague language in the requirements in technology requirements could lead to a collapse in the consumer device market.

Recall that on December 2 last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law prohibiting the sale of equipment, including smartphones and computers, without preinstalled Russian software.

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