Google Shares Advice On YouTube Videos For Search

‘s John Mueller, who has been putting together YouTube videos on for over a decade, has shared some of his advice on how to use videos for your content and search. He said it is often best to have more details in textual content form, because it is easier to update.

He said you can also do shorter videos, and then you can update those shorter videos in a more efficient manner.

John Mueller said on Twitter “YouTube is great to reach a broad audience, I kinda feel a lot of the details should be on web-pages though, since it’s much easier to update the details there rather than to create a new video every time something changes. Alternately, shorter videos on specific topics.”

Here is the tweet:

I do like when you embed a video and surround that video on the page with more detailed content, that you reference as points in the video. But that is my take.

I don’t think this is SEO advice per-say but rather just general advice on your web site. Google has tons of developer docs they maintain, and John is some what involved in some of those docs. So he has some experience there as well.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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