Yahoo and Tumblr lost 33% of their web traffic in the past several years

If there were any major sites that took a web pummeling in 2019 it was Yahoo and Tumblr. That’s according to a new report from SimilarWeb. The report looks back on key web trends in 2019. Among those trends were some pretty bad news for some sites.

Particularly, SimilarWeb’s report says Tumblr saw its web traffic plummet 33% since 2018, when the site banned adult content. Yahoo saw a similar drop from its 2017 numbers, falling 33.6% during the period. Other key findings from the report:

  • Total web traffic is on the rise, growing 8% in 2019 to 223 billion visits per month to the top 100 websites worldwide.
  • Mobile is fueling much of that growth. While desktop web traffic decreased 3.3% since 2017, mobile web traffic shot up 30.6% over the same period.
  • But with the mobile web comes shrinking attention spans. The report says that visitors are spending 49 seconds less on websites per visit than they did three ago.
  • The top 10 sites took 167.5 billion visits per month in 2019–a 10.7% increase.
  • Mobile visits claim the majority of visits made to “vice” sites–those that involve porn and gambling.
  • The U.S. leads the world when it comes to visiting the websites. In 2019, over 300 billion visits per month to sites were made from America.

The takeaway? Mobile is quickly becoming the new norm, but websites are going to have to work harder to keep visitor attention as our attention spans continue to shrink.

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