Google My Business Bug? Google Posts Being Rejected In Masses

Something is going on with My , specific with Google Posts. There has been a spike in the number of complaints from businesses owners using Google Posts about their posts being rejected. Literally tons of complaints in the Google My Business Help forums about this. In fact, there are so many complaints, I cannot even link to all of them.

Here is a partial screen shot of some of the complaints in the forums; but there are probably over a hundred threads of complaints:

Here are some screen shots of just a few of the posts rejected, notice the red “rejected” label at the top right:

There are many complaints on Twitter as well:

Many are referencing the Google Posts guidelines but again, this seems like a bug with these many complaints. Or maybe Google has been cracking down on these guidelines? I do not know.

Google has not officially responded to these complaints.

Forum discussion at Google My Business Help & Local Search Forums.

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