5 apps to help you manage your money in 2020

In a couple of days, we’ll all be celebrating a new year, and with a new year comes resolutions, promises, and all sorts of things. Most of tell ourselves that we’ll be spending less and saving more, but not everyone actually pulls through with that financial promise. If you’re in need of some assistance in managing your matters in the upcoming year, we’ve got you covered. Here are five budgeting apps for you to use. Check them out!


The most popular personal finance management app in Japan, Zaim has a basic and easy-to-use interface. Individuals can record expenses, income, input store names with each expense item, add categories, set budgets for each category, use icons, and more. Zaim also includes graphical analysis tools, has support for multiple currencies, and automatic conversion.


Available on Android, 1money allows users to enter their transactions with just a tap. They can log and see expenses over the duration of their day, plan budgets with their incomes and expenses, track debts and savings, and use a variety of currencies as well. The app also has a  colorful interface to make budgeting pleasing to the eyes.

Bluecoins Finance

Bluecoins Finance is another budget and expense tracker that’s only available on Android. Not only does it allow users to set budget and track expenses, but it also gives complete financial reports and analysis to help users their money. It can be for personal use, or as a family budget planner, or even for small businesses. Bluecoins also has support for dark mode, password or fingerprint security, bill reminders, support for cryptocurrencies, support for multiple languages, and more.

Household Account Book

Quite possibly the most adorable budget tracker out there, Household Account Book introduces the character Pisuke to its users, and his story progresses the more users log in their income and expenses. The app also shows a pie graph on what users spend their money on and what percentage of their budget they spend on each item.

Money Manager

Apart from recording income and expenses, Money Manager can also generate spending reports for its users to keep track of their personal finances. Users can also review their daily, weekly, and monthly financial data, manage their credit/debit cards, see instant statistics, and bookmark their frequent expenses. While the app is free to download and use, there’s also a paid version of the app that eliminates ads and comes with unlimited assets for use.

Here’s to hoping we all push through and succeed in managing our budgets and expenses in 2020. Cheers!

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