Funny Google Local Listing Problem

I saw a funny and somewhat ironic posted in the Local Search Forums that I had to share with you all. A business owner wants to know how to removed a “closed down” label in the business name in the business’s local knowledge panel in search. The issue is, it is not a label on her business but rather the name of a nearby business that shows up in the map image.

In short, someone named a business “closed down” and that business is right next to this other business. So when you search for the business, it shows in the map image of the local panel an pin for that near by business “closed down.”

Here is a screen shot:

Talk about bad luck?! Or maybe this was done on purpose? I don’t know.

Joy Hawkins wrote in that thread “This one made me laugh. There is actually a business listing at that address. It looks like it was a vacation rental (which isn’t even allowed on the map) and someone edited the business name instead of removing the listing. You should press Suggest an Edit and report it as private/home.”

Forum discussion at Local Search Forums.

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