4 Ways You Can Make Your Workplace an Engine of Productivity

Employee is the very backbone of every company.  Improving it directly affects the company’s success. It is vital for a company to stay alive and thrive.

Business leaders need to realize that it is not about hiring productive employees. It is about creating a productive work environment for the employees. Here are four foolproof ways to improve productivity in the :

1. Business process management

Business process management (BPM) focuses on streamlining and optimizing underlying business processes in order to increase overall efficiency. It involves improving business processes by analysing how they work in different situations, making improvements to them, and then monitoring the modified processes to ensure continued optimization.

BPM is an integral part of digital transformation. It helps improve order, insight, and efficiency in the workflows of any given business process. The main goal of implementing BPM is to take control of the ad hoc workflows and optimize them to create more streamlined and interconnected business processes.

While the exact steps can vary from organization to organization, generally the BPM lifecycle includes:

  • Designing the ideal business process and recognizing areas of improvements
  • Analyzing how the business process operates in different scenarios
  • Implementing improvement solutions
  • Monitoring the improvements to see how the business process is performing
  • Continually optimizing the business process

2. Automation

Most organizations have complex business processes and workflows that consist of numerous disjointed applications. As your organization grows and new technologies are introduced, the complexity of business processes increases with it. There are many parts of the business processes that are repetitive. Automating them can help save time which the employees can then use to perform their core responsibilities.

For instance, most organizations use numerous SaaS applications and handle large volumes of data. With that, the room for manual human errors also becomes bigger. Human errors can be introduced in any part of the business process–the cost of rectification for which can be incredibly high.

Automating manual data entry tasks helps avoid manual errors and it also increases productivity. Employees get more time to focus on complex problem-solving tasks when they don’t have to perform repetitive tasks that can easily be managed by machines.

Similarly, depending on how exactly the files are shared and saved in your company, team members may have to wait for approval from higher-ups before they can start their work. Waiting for approval can lead to delays.

Approvals can be as easy as clicking a button if you automate them using the right tools.

3. Better inclusiveness

While over 90% of business leaders think an engagement strategy can improve their business success, only 25% of them have a strategy for it. Workplaces that truly focus on the employee experience by including everyone are able to shape corporate culture in a positive way. This process will, in turn, improves overall productivity.

In fact, employees who feel their voice is heard within the organization are 4.6 times more likely to perform their best work. While feedback and recognition are important for employees, they are not enough. Today’s employees expect communication to be a two-way street. Make sure employees are able to voice their opinions. This is the largest push you can give for inclusiveness and equality in the workplace.

Companies need to incorporate a broader range of perspectives into their decision making process and strategy. After all, inviting more people to the table and making sure everyone is included is a win-win situation for everyone.

4. A digital workplace

A digital workplace gives employees access to a complete set of digital tools that they can use from wherever they are to accomplish their everyday work responsibilities. Every organization uses over 16 SaaS applications on average. If these applications aren’t integrated well, then instead of saving time of the employees, they end up doing the exact opposite.

With a digital workplace, employees get a unified platform where they can access all the business applications in one go. They also get access to all the business processes, workflows and data that they need to manage their work.

The benefits of implementing a digital workplace include:

  • Higher productivity and employee engagement
  • Improved collaboration
  • Better efficiency even when employees are working from different physical locations
  • Streamlined business workflows

It is only when all the different elements of the workplace ecosystem are closely integrated that employees can be truly productive and a digital workplace is possible.

Identify gaps and bottlenecks to improve productivity:

Before you take any steps, carefully analyse the current work environment to get an accurate idea of the gaps and bottlenecks in your existing business processes. Internal feedback from employees is also important. Feedback helps you to understand what is missing in order to create a more productive workplace that helps employees streamline their everyday work responsibilities and save time.

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